Freedom. That’s what we’re moving into, and you may feel yourself wanting that more than ever now. We always believed we had it, but we are seeing the tests now. Where does it hold, where does it give, what does it mean? This is happening because we are about to access freedom on a whole new level. We’re expanding the concept and the process. And thus the subject of freedom is showing up in many ways now. This is central to our evolution into the new consciousness. And remember, we are creating real freedom now.
The last few days, with freedom on the horizon, we are also noticing more happiness. This happiness is naturally occurring, it just bubbles up from within and colors the world we are creating. It’s organic, not tied to an external event., therefore not tied to linearity. It’s part of our new multi-dimensional framework. Thus it arises as part of our new templates. This happiness is inherent. Happiness is related to freedom, because we are beginning to see how free we truly are.

And just as our 3D body has been given structure by its skeletal form, our new template organizes around happiness, peace, balance and Love, creating our high-frequency being. Our structure is built on our sovereignty. As we become sovereign, our new template takes shape and expresses in new ways. Our new bodies are self-regulating, even in terms of external temperature.
We’re experiencing this now, and thus we can feel quite different from how we used to feel. There’s a sense of wholeness and integration. Continuity and alignment: we’ve integrated our Source nature, we feel centered and anchored, connected to both who we are and what we are creating. We aren’t searching, we’ve landed. We aren’t wishful thinking, we’re creating. Our very being has reorganized around a new operating principle/system, and at the center of this is our internalized divinity. We have taken responsibility for who we are. We are no longer swirling in the winds of fate. We are no longer at the mercy of lower-frequency beings who have based their operations on the old model of power over others and self-aggrandizement. While we can still see that taking place in the outer old world, all of us who have moved into the expanded frequencies of the new are no longer impacted by this. And there is nothing to support these lower-frequency folks anymore. They are basically sounding off on soap boxes hanging in thin air. They haven’t noticed the false foundation is gone.
In the beginning of moving into the new we’ve still got our training wheels on, because we’re learning how everything works. But then we move into more fluidity with it all. We’re present, we’re aware, we observe. We interact with others, we pull back into our own process and continue our expansion, which is now happening at a record pace.
As the new world takes shape, which it’s doing now, the old world recedes. It’s not part of the new. You may notice, when you go out, the solidity of the old versus the fluidity of the new. They’re very different in their character and their makeup. And at every moment we choose the way we interact until we are fully anchored and no longer sliding back or acquiescing or giving up any part of who we now are. We hold this place very peacefully and very powerfully, the way a bird rides the wind.

With each passing day we are picking up much more psychic information. It’s right there. So much info is available thru these intuitive channels we are opening/opening to. It’s our cosmic guidance system. And while some may feel we have no proof, we have tons of confirmation rolling in, affirming the knowing we are having, making us realize this is our internal newsfeed. Eventually this knowing becomes “the way it is.” This is so important to pay attention to your guidance. What is it telling you? Every day people tell me they should have listened to the message they got. We can choose to listen instead of overriding it, like we’ve always done. Listen: It’s your higher Self communicating with you and helping you. This is one of your important tools.
Things are changing so fast it is hard to keep up. There is such a contrast between the old world and the new. The old is having everything exposed and brought into the light, whatever is not in alignment, whatever is not for the greater good, whatever is done for ulterior motive. When I look at it, I see a light zipping around knocking something down over there, exposing something corrupt back over there, zipping, zapping, zipping. As fast as someone rushes to fix the first thing, another has been knocked down or exposed. The only way to be at peace is to remove yourself from it. Watch it without taking part in it. But then allow yourself breaks from it, where you move into the freedom and happiness and peacefulness of the new. The new is a world apart from all of that.
The old pops in, but when it does, it gives us another opportunity to use our tools, some of which we may not even know we have. We discover them by being presented with situations where we can use them. And it just occurs to us, psychically, that we can do something that we might never have thought of.
For instance, Saturday the man who mows my yard came. The grass was getting tall and he did a very nice job. He had a new helper who was weed whacking. After they left, I discovered the new person had weed whacked the day lilies. Two patches in front of my porch, where there is no grass. It’s the first time anyone’s even gone into that space. At first I felt disbelief. But then I was guided to talk to the lilies, which hadn’t bloomed yet, and let them know that was an accident, and if they were able to bloom, it would be so wonderful. And that I would make sure the fellow did not do that again. Gradually, everyone’s awareness about the earth and what it represents and how we relate to it is growing. For too long many have been oblivious, feeling they can do whatever they want and not even being aware of their actions and the repercussions of those actions. We are seeing this change now, as each person reorients their own being to this new energy.
Wherever you are in this process, know that all is well. Every day, be open and surrender to this new all-encompassing Love, which carries us all into freedom, and into our own beauty and magnificence. You will discover that you can also ride the wind, access the truth of who you are, and experience your inherent power to do more than you imagined was possible. Listen. What’s happening is huge. Bigger than anything we have ever experienced. It’s a whole new world, right here, right now, emerging from within us and all around us.
i’m fascinated by the blue dot in both pictures…????
Su, those seem to show up when the camera is facing the sun. But there are lots of other ones that don’t seem to be related to the sun. But it’s interesting, isn’t it?