This week we had three days of very heavy energy, the kind of energy that you can barely function in, and then with the full moon on Friday, it released. In fact, that morning I woke up happy and the happiness lasted all day, that wonderful not-for-any-reason happiness that infuses us now when we are in the New Earth.
Friday it felt like we had a free pass. I had errands to do, and everywhere I went I was given what I can only call “free pass special treatment.” The interactions were wonderful, everything flowed. It was a day that felt blessed. When we are in the new energy, that’s how it feels, and the contrast between the heaviness of the old, which we were in mid-week, and the new, which we popped into Friday, was striking. Our new world flows, and we can feel the flow when we’re in it. We’re in sync with it.

The old world is full of struggle, more so than ever right now. There is a massive awakening taking place, a massive claiming of sovereignty underway. The pathways we have made are being used now, they are full of people who have emerged from the quiet of the last couple of months. But clarity is still coming for them, as some things are being seen, and more will be seen soon. And as always, there are energies that block the path, that attempt to block the awakening and the movement into truth. And each who is still focused externally must find this truth within. The changes take place within. The creation takes place within. Remember, we are the caterpillar in the cocoon, changing form. And we emerge as our new self, prepared to fly, and knowing that we can, once we have changed. We are seeing many undergoing change right now. The process has been triggered on many levels.

Once we are sovereign beings, we have to make choices based on our own knowing and not be led by the whims and vagaries of anyone else who is still creating based on controlling rather than creating based on Love. We feel this and know this very clearly within, and it is our guidance now thru this upheaval and unrest and revolution and unknown.
Those of us who have done this work to move into the new continue to hold the space we have created, and to enjoy this space. We are now experiencing the unfolding of the New Earth, the rooting, the expansion. I have had some experiences this week that were very beautiful, and I was soaking them in, absorbing them with all my senses, all my being, because I was in paradise. We’ve all been creating our own paradise, our heaven on earth, and when we suddenly find ourselves in it, it is all we can do to take it in and realize that yes, indeed, this is what we have created and are creating.
This is beautiful to see and experience for it lies beyond the realm of struggle. It is more important now than ever to begin to live beyond the old world, to live in as much of our new world as we have created in every moment.
I just read a comment by someone who recently spent several days in the area where I live. I don’t know this person, but her description made me happy, because it made me realize that while this is a beautiful place, one of so many beautiful places on this earth, I also know that many have worked very hard to raise the frequency here. She wrote, this area “is a sight to behold. I cannot express the peace, the light, the beauty, the warm pink glory of it all… So much peace has been born and is about us now in others. I witnessed such beautiful sights amongst people! There were whole days just like the song ‘What a wonderful world!’” She said she spent time sitting, laughing and relaxing. And then she wrote something that made me laugh out loud. “And there was so much bike riding!”
I’ve been riding my bike three times a day in these warm days that are growing longer as we approach the Solstice. It’s a perfectly wonderful amount of bike riding.

I’ve noticed more people are commenting on how peaceful and beautiful things are. This is because we are growing closer to leaving the density that has been so prevalent in our lives. We have been moving in and out of it, and we take flight on the days we move out of it. Those are the days where we have a free pass. The effortless, flowing days where everything clicks and works and there is no struggle and you connect in the new consciousness with everyone you meet. We’re having more of this as we get ever closer to leaving the old world for good, as we put down the struggle, as we step away from divisiveness, as we stop engaging at the level of non-workability, as we feel our gratitude, as we realize love is a wonderful language and a powerful milieu, as we move into the warm pink glory.
There are more synchronicities than we can count now as everything comes into alignment, there are more who are receiving the same information, there is more knowing and seeing of the truth. We are gaining momentum. The speed at which things are changing now is remarkable. We were all given a time to stay home and take stock, to examine where we are in our relationship with our Self and our world, and now we are re-emerging and discovering how much has changed. And it will continue to change, with some things going away and new things appearing. So much change is upon us. And so much new. As we each choose to be a part of something very different, we create that from our own divinity. We create the warm pink glory of our new surroundings. And yes, it’s a wonderful world.
Yes,! Riding my bike this week and taking in all the beauty around me felt very expansive and joyful. Thank you for describing this new world, which makes it feel even more real..
And thank YOU for being part of this whole grand plan so that we can bring it in. It’s so much fun to begin to experience it.