Sunday, the first day of the planetary and galactic New Year, I asked for a sign of where we are in our ongoing process of transformation. Monday when I got up, I saw this white rainbow over the ocean. White rainbows are rare, I’ve only seen about three, all in the last three or four years. I spoke to someone who has lived in this area her whole life and she’s never seen one. This rainbow represents the purity of our new experience. While the colored rainbows are infusing and empowering our new experience, the white ones are the new consciousness, the crystalline connection. When we are in this new consciousness, in our divinity, we are empowered. Just watch us fly. As I’ve been showing this photo to people, they are awed by it. They are feeling what is taking place, the new, coming in now, that will forever change us and restore us to wholeness.
Feel into this rainbow to see if you can feel this beautiful purity that is here now as part of our new experience. Whenever we are totally freaking done with all that is not purity, we can begin to enjoy this new experience. It’s here to support us, but it’s not supporting the old version of who we were. That is over and done. This is our new version. The new Self that is willing and able to go beyond all the limitation we were saddled with in the old world. Whenever we are ready to honor the new Self, we can move into that experience.

And we need these signs given all that we see around us and all that we’re dealing with. We need the infusions of encouragement and hope because we are dealing with so much right now. We are being pushed into situations that are quite strange, and in these situations we will strongly feel our new Self emerging and wanting to express, and in fact, expressing. These situations are helping with this emergence. We are seeing quite clearly some ridiculous things, all the while holding the new space and becoming even more clear about what we want for ourselves. And leading the way into the new.
Our creative skills are in high gear. I’ve been having interesting things happening. One example: I was reading an article about houses designed in the mid 1900s by the Mexican architect Luis Barragan. He used beautiful colors, the earth tones you see in Mexico. I saw a wall in a gorgeous ochre and immediately wanted to have a sweater that color. I haven’t seen those colors in clothing for awhile. Two days later, I got a catalog in the mail from a company I like, a very skinny catalog with just a few items, with a sweater that exact color, in a style I like, on sale. It was as if I put an order in to the universe and it was answered. Wait, that is what happened. That’s what we are doing now, in our new experience. There are incredible things happening.
This was a week of highs and lows, where at times things were aligning magically and falling into place, and then other times of fatigue and feeling the stress of the outer world. We are seeing some of our old connections being strained by how different we’ve become, and then we’ve been able to have conversations where both people were able to listen and share their different views and grow.
There were times this week when our brains were not working to even hold a thought, but that eased by Saturday. We have continued with the process of releasing old patterns, seeing what they are, noticing how they no longer work for us or represent who we are, and moving into more freedom as a result. The energies are high now as we move into the Lion’s Gate and the start of the new galactic year. Ears are ringing.

We all get info in different ways. Some base their sharing on dates and planetary lineups. Some on channeling. Mine is based on my experience of what is taking place and how it is different than it was before. So I’m noticing my own experiences while I’m having them and then sharing so that others can look at what’s happening in their own lives. I also get messages and pictures and visions and visits from cosmic beings who share info.
The message that I received on Saturday (8/1) was, This is the unfolding. We are in the unfolding. We now have to unfold. Flow with what is happening. Move into it.
When messages come we have to “unwrap” them or open them or read them. I can see what this means and then the challenge is putting it into words.
We are in the midst of experiencing something massive right now, which is changing how we have been. We all had ways of thinking and doing and being, our familiar patterns. The entire planet is experiencing a rebirth, a movement into a new format, and so are we. We have come to a crucial part in this. As things begin to change and happen, as we have already been experiencing all around us and within us, our challenge will be to hold our balance and our center. That’s why we here, to be a stabilizing influence, to be leaders in peace and neutrality, despite the flame throwing and blame mongering going on. No one is right, no one is wrong, we are all just going thru our evolution into our magnificence and our power. And we are coming down to the wire. We’ve had time to prepare, to change our thinking and our beliefs, and to see that we are all part of a greater whole.
We’ve had a chance to experience our innate divine power, our creative ability to begin to shape the world we live in, and specifically, to create our own “landscape” and surroundings. I’ve been sharing the ways we are doing this, by visualizing what we want to experience and just releasing that and allowing it to come into form. When it comes into form, it’s often even better than we pictured. It’s up to us to release trying to control all of that. We just have to stay in our heart centers and trust, even when we don’t have all the answers, because none of us do.
So as things begin to unfold now, at a faster pace, and with events that perhaps we did not foresee or expect, we will be holding our neutrality and our balance and our ability to be an inspiration. AND while all this is taking place, we will also be visualizing what we want to experience and have our experience look like, and creating that, no matter what is taking place. So we’ll be doing two things that we’ve practiced for the last little while, and being able to practice means we’ve been able to incorporate them as part of who we are. This will make it easier to do.

So where we used to make a plan, i.e., “here is what I am going to do over the next weeks or months or years,” now we will be riding the unfolding as it happens, one moment at a time, knowing within us that we are totally capable of doing what is required, knowing we can hold our balance, knowing we can create with our full divine authority, and doing it like the professionals (OK, haha, almost!!!!) that we are. We’ve had the practice, now we get to do it.
We will meet each moment without losing our cool, or if we do lose it momentarily we can call a friend for a little help, and we will envision and adjust as needed and go with the flow that is taking place and carrying us into the new. We will be surfing this big wave of change and incorporating it and watching our New Earth take shape. Around us and in front of us, all being created from within with the galactic assistance that has been ours all along. This is an exciting moment as we move thru this. Be open and be your sovereign Self. Be flexible and be empowered. Own your divinity and wear it with all the brightness and light that it carries. Bow to no one. We are the creators of this new time, and our leadership is pivotal so that we all can move into our new world.
This was lovely Terry. Thank you.