This Is Our Time

Things are evolving quickly as we continue to move thru gateways into higher frequencies. And while this journey is not what we thought it would be like, we didn’t actually know what it would be like, except that we knew that INSIDE OF US, we were being guided. And this guidance has been strong. And it’s been accurate. Even when we haven’t know exactly why we were doing certain things, we’ve always come to find out that we were right on the path leading into the new time and the New Earth.

From my very first communication forever and a day ago, when I was shown how to create—that we create from our own internal, inherent, divine power—I knew something was up. I just didn’t know how long it would take to get here, and how much would change in that process of rightfully reclaiming our abilities and moving into our knowing of truth. Everything we are shown, we have to integrate and make it a part of who we are. We have to experiment and find out how it works. And there is no manual. All we have is the guidance that comes thru the ethers, thru the energies that we are in contact with every day. All of these unseen energies serve to show us the way. They light up our own knowing, our internal connection to our divinity, which grows more solid with each passing moment.

From my New Earth Experience deck

We have been receiving so much gold light of late, the gold light of our divine wisdom. And while I have shared about this, I haven’t seen it with my physical eyes. But this past week, a friend took a picture while we were out walking near the ocean, and when she sent me the photo later, there was a stream of gold light across my face. So check your own photos. Often things show up that we don’t see with our physical eyes. Years ago, this is where we were first seeing orbs, in photos. Energies often reveal themselves in photos before we see them with our eyes.

From the beginning of our time on this planet, we have been guided, even when we haven’t realized it. The guidance has come in so many forms—being pushed to do something, being blocked from doing something else, seeing signs, having feelings about things, reading certain books… This list is long. But sometimes, it’s only in clearing out all the clutter that we can see what we’ve been shown. And begin to understand it.

Much of it comes in the form of truth. We read something, we hear something, we see something, and we know it’s true because we can feel an undeniable feeling inside of us that lets us know it’s true. Sometimes people talk themselves out of this truth with their rational thinking mind and they downplay its importance. That’s why we want to trust our knowing and trust our feeling when it comes to these truths. Being able to feel truth is one of our most important tools.

So here we are, perched on the cusp of our freedom, our evolutionary wholeness, our ability to create a whole new experience. Right here, right now, above the fray, is where we want to be. We’ve taken flight. In my first book, Dance of the Jaguar, the main character, Martha, learns to fly. It happens by chance when she lifts off the ground unexpectedly, but she soon learns how to control it. And after that book was published, so many people contacted me and asked me to teach them how to fly.

We’re achieving liftoff right now. We’re lifting off from the old 3D world and flying into the New Earth that we are creating. We’re flying into our freedom. We’re flying into peace and harmony and balance and joy. We are flying into all the things we have dreamed about in our lives as we dreamed about having a different kind of world. So for all of us dreamers, all of us who came here to be dreamers, who have been given the power to dream things into being, who came to the earth not just to envision a new way of being but to make it happen, this is our time. This is the time that we came to create, where we rise up from the shackles of limitation and struggle and fly into the new.

Right as I wrote that I looked up and saw it was 11:11. This is the power of our alignment with our divinity.

I’m a Scorpio, and when I was younger I learned that Scorpio was the scorpion, intent on stinging others. I did some of that and never enjoyed it. And then I read that Scorpio can rise up and become the eagle. The minute I read that I moved into becoming the eagle. And as I look at this now, how fitting that the character in my book learns to fly. And how fitting I’ve been able to show others how to move beyond the beliefs that kept them held in situations they did not enjoy, situations that kept them small and powerless.

I learned to fly metaphorically beyond what I had been taught and shown in my life, into a new way of being. And that led me to the New Earth. And as I am writing this now, there is a legion of dragons forming around me, saying, your flight now will be more than metaphorical. Metaphor comes from words that mean to carry over, to cross, to transfer. That is precisely what we are doing now. We are crossing into the new as our old self becomes our new Self and as we follow the guidance that is taking us into our new experience. We are going beyond the confines of the old, into the vastness and expansiveness of the new. It’s more than metaphorical, because it’s real.

We’re flying with dragons into the new.

Your flight is more than metaphorical. It is an act of courage and trust. It is your purpose coming into being. The reason you are here. You are here to move beyond fear and limitation into the magical, multidimensional realm of Love. The realm of sovereignty. The realm of knowing that you are divine creators. You are here to move into your home. Your heaven on Earth. You came to awaken your Self to the remembrance of paradise.

Paradise derives from words meaning something we build around us. It’s right there, in the words themselves, hidden in plain sight. And that’s what we’re doing, building our new experience of peace and empowerment and beauty all around us. We’re creating paradise.

Our hearts now are blooming with Love. We’re discovering that Love is all there is. So keep envisioning, my friends. It’s happening, in so many ways. And all you have to do is step into your own new Self and join us on the flight, in this new light, into this new time.

2 thoughts on “This Is Our Time

  1. It does feel like it’s time to fly. No more excuses holding us back. I am feeling the magic and power of this moment. It’s really just stepping into our own skin fearlessly. It feels like these times are requiring it of us. And if we all do it together – wow!❤

    • Melinda, Yes! Doing it all together. Thanks for taking part! So glad you are feeling this. It’s very exciting to be at this point.

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