We are all watching for signs of change in the whole as it glides along to our New Earth. And this past week came such an interesting sign, in an email from a group that I volunteer for. This email from the director said she recently reached a very low point where she felt like she was drowning and she couldn’t get free. This is what the energy can make you feel like as it asks you to release the old. When the old earth is no longer energetically supported as our home, we have no choice but to leave and move into the new. That is what is being created globally, cosmically in this shift of ages that we are experiencing.
So here came the email in which this woman said what helped her free herself from the heaviness of the feeling of drowning was a dear friend who led her in a guided meditation in which she connected with her favorite tree on her property. In the years I’ve been reading the emails from this person, never has there been one like this, suggesting that if others are feeling like this in this very challenging time, they can also connect with a tree in a meditative way, and do what the tree does, bring light in.

“Learn from her,” she wrote, referring to the tree. “Practice bringing in all the light that you can through your mind, your eyes, your smile, your heart.” Wow, just wow. I hope every one of their readers does that. It is so important to begin to connect with nature and realize the importance of the natural world in our lives. It’s an anchoring, stabilizing influence that contributes so much to us.
After that she unfortunately followed her thinking mind into the projections of some that we are coming into a very dark time. So it will take some time still for all to be empowered and to claim their power. And there is little we can do but allow that, as each finds their way. But we are not moving into darkness, we are moving into light. We are moving into more light than we have ever experienced in our lives. And the light we are moving into is Lighting up the world.
We are the Bringers of the Light, the Holders of the Light, the Embodiers of the New, and the Creators of the New Earth, and our light is now bright indeed. We know that each person has to embody the light for themselves and hold it no matter what against any darkness, because the darkness is no longer in charge. Each person has to hold the light with all their might, because our very lives depend on this. We are like warriors of old with torches lit, marching en masse into the new and making the path for all to follow. Our light is blazing. We cut thru the darkness with this light. And with our open hearts we proclaim the new way of peace and harmony and balance and love. Each is going to be asked to open their hearts, to stop manipulating, to stop withholding Love. Each and every person present on the Earth will be coming into this choice, to move beyond their unhappiness and blame and shame and judgment and guilt and anger, to move into wholeness and balance. Each will encounter the light.

So a large group is arriving at the space we have just left, where they are learning about bringing in the light and holding the light. Because they are now holding that space, we can move ahead, and we are moving way ahead. It can feel momentarily disorienting at times as we shift into these new space, because for one moment we don’t know who we are. What I am finding is that all I have to do is say, this is the newest version of me, and I am now this new me. And the integration takes place.
Our hearts have been opening for a long time, little by little, to acclimate to the feeling of a fully open heart. When our hearts open, it can feel like a flower blooming, as it opens, opens, opens more fully. You may be going thru this now. It may make you emotional to feel this opening, to encounter this Love. When our hearts open, we embrace our truth, our wholeness, our authenticity. We embrace the power of who we are. We embrace our divinity. We connect to Source as Source, because that light now lives within us.
Know that you are safe during this process, and that your own inner knowing knows what to do to find its way home, to find its way to this new home that we have been wanting to find for so long. Each of us knows, and each of us is being guided, so that we can experience how to live and be in a new way, beyond everything the old world taught us and told us in order to control. When our hearts open, we become free. We move into the synchronicity and magic, into creating what we need. It’s fun to hear your stories of how you are doing this and discovering you can create what you need.