We’ve had an energetic pathway leading to New Earth for quite some time, and that pathway has just opened to a full-blown road. This is a beautiful indication of where we are now. We are moving strongly ahead into the new, as we leave the old behind. You can probably feel this taking place within, all the releases and the “feeling done with” so many things. You can see it in the lack of understanding between you and others. It’s like you live in two different worlds, with very different concerns. And trying to communicate that is an enormous challenge. We can only do our best. I just saw a sweatshirt advertised online that said “I’M ONLY TALKING TO MY DOG TODAY.” I am sure there are times now you can relate to that.

We’ve had very strong heart-opening energies coming in now and these will be impacting everyone in various ways. It’s not unusual to feel like something is possibly medically wrong when this happens, and I know people who’ve gone to the ER feeling like they are having a heart attack, to be told by the doctor it’s anxiety. Heart openings can take place over a period of years, but they can also happen more quickly. Of course, any medical concerns should always be addressed, but this process we are going thru of ascending and embodying all these New Earth energies is a very physical process. After we’ve gone thru it for awhile, we become familiar with the various sensations, but in the beginning it can be concerning and even scary. Some people have more subtle symptoms.
I went thru a few years of heart openings and even at one point ended up in a Heart Institute having everything checked out. There was nothing wrong. At the time, I didn’t understand what was taking place. It was only several years later that it became clear. Then in 2009 I had a powerful heart opening that was so strong I thought I was dead, but instead after a couple minutes I heard a message: We gave you a new heart. Literally, it felt like a hole was blasted in my chest with light to do that. It was intense. The light blasted thru a wall in my room and right thru me. A couple months after that a friend of mine, a nurse, had a similar experience while driving down the Interstate. She told me she thought she was a goner. Fortunately traffic was light and she was fine. A couple months after that, a mutual friend of ours thought she was having a heart attack and went to the ER. It’s anxiety, the doctor said, and he reassured her by making her laugh. She was shaken but OK. I’m sharing in case you go thru anything yourself. At this point, we are all evolving, and part of that evolution is the opening of the heart. We don’t realize how closed our hearts have been until we have them opened. And once they are open, oh, the Love that comes thru! This is a very personal experience, and we are protective of these new open-hearted Selves.

But that’s only one of the things that happens. We also go thru our third eye opening. We are seeing and sensing so much now. We move into a space where we are receiving messages about things right before they happen, in that now space of alignment. We think about someone we haven’t heard from in awhile and the person calls us, we think about something we need and it shows up, we think about something we want and it gets created. The NOW moment is our entry point for creation. This is where we determine what’s taking place. This is the place we express our divinity from. Who knew how this awakening would take place? Who knew the ways we would be opened up to literally everything, most especially our own truth? Who knew we would begin to see thru the lies that have permeated the world we have been a part of? Who knew how much would be revealed? Who knew my cat was completely telepathic? And we’re not done yet.
Everything is going to be changing, in a good way. But it still requires openness and adjustment on our part. We can remind ourselves we are SAFE as we move thru this, and we can give our body lots of appreciation and thanks. We can remind our new Self that we are 100 percent on board.

Lots of people are experiencing pain right now too. This process often creates pain as our bodies reformulate and rebalance. We can rest, we can do fun things to make sure we are enjoying this very challenging process. And we can eat organic, light-filled foods and drink pure water, to support the physical process. At some point the pain releases. So if you’re not there yet, know that that’s coming.
When our heart opens, we move to a new level of being. We begin to see and experience our lives differently. The open heart opens our whole being. And this can take some time because it is a huge adjustment to those who are very ingrained in 3D. But when it happens, our worldview changes. It’s not easy to explain to someone who isn’t there yet, but thankfully we know in our own hearts, in our own souls, that this is what we came here to do and be. And there’s no going back. At this point, the water is flowing over the dam, and we are in our kayaks, ready and prepared. This moment now, as 2020 comes to a close, is taking us home, the home we’ve been dreaming into being. All we have to do now is go with it and expand into the incredible unlimited spaces we are creating.
Terry, I am so grateful to you for these messages, and thanking the universal Love that has brought us in this conjunction./c.
Carme, thanks so much. This is quite the journey, isn’t it? I’m so glad we’re all doing this together. Wishing you a wonderful holiday!
Yes, thank you for these beautiful heart felt, messages. It is a magical time. Today I held my 3 month old granddaughter and felt the love welling up in me. So much love .
That’s so beautiful to hear about your sweet granddaughter, Melinda. Our little ones carry the new energy and we can feel it so strongly from them. Thanks for sharing.