Entering the Exalted Realms

This week, once again, we have moved into all new territory, thanks to the continued hard work and dedication of the ones focused on creating our New Earth. This is an exalted realm, a realm of purity, infused with the white light of the new consciousness. You are going to notice everything that is not in alignment with this exalted energy. And it will not feel comfortable for you. You are going to finally realize that you are leaving the old earth and everything it represented, everything it was, everything it held. We simply lose our ability to be a part of it and agree to it anymore. Period.

Everyone who is actively embodying the new energies streaming in is assisting with this process. You will feel this energy in various ways. Early in the week you may have felt sluggish or out of sorts, you may have needed more sleep. All this embodying is hard work, and it can bring old programs to the surface for release. It can have us wondering what is going on. It can leave us wanting a timeout. At times the physical body is stressed by these mega frequencies, and then boom, we shift and all is well. Once again we move into happiness, expansion and the knowing that all is well. That’s what happened this week.

So there was lots of ear ringing, some sleep disturbance, some emotional challenges, even dreams that didn’t make sense. And dreams that were powerful because of what we were doing in them. But as we shifted, all that became OK, because it brought us to this new space. And there was unusual heaviness this week. The old energy felt very heavy, and it indicates we have reached the bottom of the barrel. The old, which has thrown at all of us holding the light all of the firepower it has left, has run out of steam. All that’s left is the heaviness that has weighted us down for centuries. Call it gravity, if you like. It’s an artificial weight that was placed on us that we have been carrying and holding for generations. This week, we felt the weight, the heaviness, and we also felt the new lightness, the new energy of being exalted. This is very new. Take your time. Feel into it. We are moving beyond this gravity.

This week, we felt the weight, the heaviness, and we also felt the new lightness, the new energy of being exalted.

You may be noticing how the old simply has no space for you now. It has nothing to offer. This is when we connect with new opportunities, new expansion, new potential. When we try to find answers in the old, there is nothing. We are seeing it was designed to be nothing of what we truly need and want in our soul. So much happening in the past week is showing us that. More are waking up to their internal, inherent, divine, God-given power to call the hoarding “powers that have been” on their false game. We are watching as it comes apart, as the truth emerges. What is true can no longer be hidden. The only thing left in the barrel is the heaviness of what was once there. We are moving into Light.

Mid-week this past week, when I was feeling out of sorts and out of answers, I was visited by the Cosmic Christ. I had asked a question and 10 minutes later he appeared, embodying not only the divine masculine but the divine feminine, as we are doing as well. His features were crystal clear and he gave me what looked like a white coin made of Light. It was glowing, it was emitting Light. Placing it in my hand, he said, it’s white Light, the new consciousness, made physical, to remind you that this is what you are doing. You are now bringing this new consciousness into being, into form, into existence.

Hold this physicalized Light in your own hands. Hold it within you. Send it out from your being. This is how real it is. Your creator Selves are being activated to do what they came here to do: to be the Light and to create this new Light on this New Earth, now. Be this Light, because this is who you are. This is your truth. This is you essence. This is your gift. This is your purpose. You are now the holders, the purveyors, of the living Light, of the new consciousness that has been seeded here on your new Heaven on Earth.

Take a moment to experience this. Lit by the light of the new consciousness we continue to expand. And in our knowing we can feel the truth of what is taking place. We can feel our guidance moving us in the right direction as we expand from the inside into wholeness, into harmony, into balance, into Love. And into being the new Light. This is who we are now, and this is what we are doing.

NOTE: I have added Chamber Sessions to the menu at the top of the Home page. Please click here or on Chamber Sessions in the menu to learn more about them. These are a powerful way for you to support your own transitional process. It’s important for us to have tools we can use as we make our way into the New.

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