Our Growing Creative Power

As we continue with our ascension process we are experiencing an increasingly powerful ability to create. And because we have learned to be in the flow and are orchestrating in the moment, we are seeing our creations come into being. This is the place, the space—this rarified 5D energy—that makes creation effortless.

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Entering the Exalted Realms

This week, once again, we have moved into all new territory, thanks to the continued hard work and dedication of the ones focused on creating our New Earth. This is an exalted realm, a realm of purity, infused with the white light of the new consciousness. You are going to notice everything that is not in alignment with this exalted energy. And it will not feel comfortable for you. You are going to finally realize that you are leaving the old earth and everything it represented, everything it was, everything it held. We simply lose our ability to be a part of it and agree to it anymore. Period.

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