We continue separating from the old and moving into the new, which is now, by far, the longest process we have ever been thru, especially for those of us who started 10 or 20 years ago. We continue practicing our skills with this new energy so that we can be in this high frequency, which is increasing constantly now. This week again there has been heavy energy for a few days, where we could feel the sadness and anger that was a part of the old world. We can feel this within us as we continue to clear our physical being. The heaviness has felt restrictive. It’s like trying to run in waist-deep water. We’re experiencing the freedom of the new, but in the old world, we are not free. So the heaviness is around us. But as the heaviness released again, we moved into the lighter energy. And this time, we noticed we had released more of the old. We are releasing watching TV and movies, because they no longer speak to us. We’re releasing people when we no longer have commonalities. We’re releasing activities. Anything that no longer resonates is going, and it’s just happening. Life becomes simple, peaceful, balanced.
I had an interesting experience of how this new energy is working. I decided to make a pizza. I’ve made them for years, but it’s been awhile since I made the last one—probably at least a year. So I was going to pull out my recipe for the dough to make sure I got the amount of flour and water right. I walked into the kitchen, pulled out my mixing bowl, pulled out the flour and oil and sugar and salt, and all of a sudden, I was making the pizza dough almost without thought. Everything simply flowed thru me in a wonderful way, and the dough was ready in record time. The whole pizza, in fact, was done before I knew it, as if it was created in a magical way, without thought or struggle or even much effort. And it was delicious.

This is when we know we are in the new energy, when the flow takes place. All we add is the Love. We will be noticing these kinds of experiences as we get more used to being in the new consciousness and the new energy of our new world.
I had a dream a few days ago where I saw someone walk thru a wall as if it wasn’t there. As I looked at him, I knew he was in the new energy and experiencing being unlimited. We aren’t completely there yet, but we are seeing the possibilities. Also in that dream, I was flying a very high-tech helicopter with another person, and we were using our thoughts to fly it and navigate to where we were going. There was no pilot. It meant we were also sharing our consciousness, so that we were in alignment. When we enter into unity, we begin to experience unified consciousness, where each person or being expresses what they are doing or wanting to create. We are just starting to learn about this.

Interestingly, I have begun to experience this with my cat, who has come into alignment with me, so that he can let me know what he wants (food, affection, to go outside, etc.) and I can express what I want (to eat my dinner before I brush him, etc.). He has become very patient once he sees what’s taking place. Once we come into alignment with our power and with expressing our power as sovereign beings, it’s no longer about controlling anyone or anything. We come into a unified field of alignment where we create win/win situations for everyone, because each is unified, each is connected with their divinity, each is expressing their purpose, and each is anchored or situated in Love. Each is in the flow. This makes everything easy. We are no longer living in the world of struggle. There’s more to this but I may talk about that later.
For now, begin to notice your own experience with all this. Are you experiencing unity, are you experiencing flow? Are you noticing the new potentials? We are each navigating the new and observing what is taking place. We are each connecting with our divine power and creating our new worlds, separate but also together.