Time seems to be flying by these days. It’s flying by and standing still at the same time. When you are in the moment, that moment is very expansive, it seems to reach out and encompass forever. And then suddenly you notice a week of linear time has gone by.
We are stirring the pot and bringing things to the surface with these major transformative energies that are streaming in. With all the news popping up, the challenge is to maintain our focus and realize we’re not here to be involved in all of that. Rather, we’re here to embody all this powerful energy and fashion it into our new experience, our new home. I have to remind myself almost on a daily basis to not get pulled into everything that’s going on. There are those that are here to be involved in that. But those of us doing all this inner work to clear our patterns and programs in order to create a more expanded experience aren’t a part of that. Still, it’s incredible to watch it, and sometimes we can get rattled by it. Always, use your tools to return to your center, to anchor yourself in your heart and in this intense new energy, with its golden-diamond brilliance, and to focus on practicing everything that we are learning. We can create peace in the midst of chaos.

The weather app on my phone just showed that we were going to have two days of snow and cold temps here. I grew up with snowy winters and I enjoy a day of snow, especially going for a walk when flakes are falling. Here’s the beautiful way my son just described the snow they had. “About 5 miles into my run it started to snow. It was amazing. Big slow soft flakes fell all around me. There was almost a rhythm to it. It blanketed my field of vision as I ran and the contrast of the bright white flakes against a dark grey background was quite surreal. It felt like I was quite literally running into a different dimension. It was spectacular, a quiet and solitary moment. Beautiful and moving. I finished my run with a smile on my face.”
That’s why I like walking in the snow—the beauty of those big flakes falling and how silent it becomes, as if all the sound is muffled. Falling snow, especially the first snow of the season, is one of those moments in nature that can overtake you with its beauty as it covers everything and makes it sparkle.

But back to my story of the weather app showing me that snow was coming. I have worked with weather for many years, and I decided to warm up the temperatures just a little bit. Then what happened was that in my area, we never got below 36°, but it was snowing just a couple miles to the south and the north and I had reports from friends of snow on the ground. There was lots of snow to the east. But I didn’t get to see any snow here, or build a mini-snowman, so next time I’ll have to ask for a little bit of snow. Working with weather is one thing we discover we can do in the new energy. We can especially lessen the power of storms and create sunshine.
This past week we’ve continued to shift and continued to expand. In my last post I described how we are now experiencing an energy, when we go to do something, that rises up from within us and does what needs to be done, from the knowing that is within us. I’m still getting used to this. When we are used to using our heads to figure out what needs to be done, it feels quite different to have an energy rising from within that knows what needs to be done and that does it. We are learning to allow this to take place, we’re learning to trust it. It only happens when we get out of the way, when we relax the way we’ve always done things in order to experience this new way. As we allow it and experience it and observe it, it becomes a part of us, the New Self that we are cultivating and nurturing.
We are slowly and steadily becoming the more expanded, more unified, more powerful selves that we came here to be. We were designed to be pure and beautiful love-centered beings, who operate on the knowing that arises within them at every moment, using the new crystalline geometry structures we are being given. Each of us can allow this by simply asking for it.
We are here to connect with our purity and to find the way back, the way home, the freedom we can feel in our being. The guidance is arising, sometimes subtle, sometimes more obvious, showing us where we’re going. We’re seeing what we’re releasing, we’re seeing what we’re embracing, we’re seeing who we’re becoming. This process can be very quiet, and it’s definitely internal. It’s all taking place in our inner universe. We’re beginning to emerge as our New Selves, and we’re seeing how much we’ve evolved, and how much we are continuing to evolve.