As I’ve shared recently, we’ve been dealing with very heavy energy the last couple of months as we continue to break thru into higher and higher frequencies. At times it has felt oppressive. It can overwhelm you with sadness and heaviness and tiredness. But we continue forging ahead into the new, embodying all the newness and creating something very different. The crystalline frequencies are all about balance, harmony, Love, and being in our truth and our power. This past week, we’ve come into a frequency that can bring miracles into our world, into each of our worlds. I’ve experienced several myself, all surprising, and all having the feeling of being part of our new, very special connection to the cosmos. When we land in these heart-based, light-drenched spaces, we feel our inter-connectedness. The separation disappears. We become encompassed by wholeness, surrounded by grace.
These miracles I experienced are personal, but I can share the basics. On one of my bike rides, I had a conversation with my mom, who left this planet many years ago. I often talk to her, but this time, I said, I need a miracle and I want your help. I was clear, saying, it all has to be positive and supportive. And literally, 10 minutes later, the miracle arrived via a letter in my mailbox. It felt so wonderful, I was glowing with happiness. Miracle, coming from a Latin word, means that which causes wonder and astonishment, being extraordinary in itself and amazing or inexplicable by normal standards. That’s what this experience was. There was no way to explain that the very thing I asked for arrived. Yet I realize, while I was having the conversation with my mom, it felt like she was there. That was new. And I definitely felt her energy coming thru in the creation of what happened. It was so immediate and powerful. That was all new, showing that we have reached a yet another new level in this process of moving beyond the heavy, tired, limiting energies of old world. We are having a direct interface with our ability to create miracles.

The next day, I needed to find two documents, which I was fairly sure I didn’t have, due to all the clearing of stuff I’ve done in the last 15 years. We’ve all been clearing out anything extraneous, releasing our past, lightening our load, lifting our frequency. But someone had asked for these, one from 20 years ago, one from over 70 years ago. I pulled a random box out of my closet, opened it, and the two things I needed were right on the top of papers and files. Once again, I felt the presence of a divine hand, the assistance that was needed. It was so light and so effortless and so perfect. As if someone was saying, You asked?
And these are just two things that happened, of many. I asked for a miracle, and then began to experience them one after another. The crystalline consciousness is expanding in us, remaking who we are, moving us into these new realms where we experience our lives in a new way. We become the illumined beings of the new paradigm, inhabiting the Now, lighting up our intentional worlds with our personal magic, waving the wand of our inherent wisdom to create a distinctly divine experience. We step into it knowing it is ours, and knowing who we are.
We’re all at different stages in the process, and we continue to address whatever is showing up for us. Wherever you are in your own journey, continue moving into the light and into the opportunities you are creating by being You and by following your guidance and your knowing. And above all, create. It is up to us to create this world, every one of us. But all of this NEW is right here, with us now, closer than it’s ever been.
I will share a “miracle” that happened last night in the form of a dream. My Mother passed away in December up in Alaska with my sister by her side just a few minutes after her passing. I was facetiming from Michigan with my sister right after Mom passed. Mom had Alzheimer’s and went peacefully. This morning I awoke from a dream where I was with Mom! We were hanging out together and she was young and smiling and there was a glow in her eyes, and a master or saint told me she was having “openings” and was in a very high state. I was so happy to be with her. And in the dream remember thinking, “I thought she was dead, but she isn’t!” What an amazing feeling, knowing Mom is right here with me and she is happy and at peace.
That’s awesome. What a great dream, and great confirmation of the fact that we move into a different form and we can still have contact. I’m so glad you shared this, and so glad you had this contact with your mom.