This Multi-level Event

There is so much happening on so many levels and all of it is a part of the grand transformation and our shift into the new consciousness. Much of what is taking place has been felt by many for some time. We’ve seen the players who would move into the forefront to play their part to move everything forward, to be a part of this shift. It is definitely interesting to watch. And yet, for those of us creating the new and anchoring the new scenarios, we aren’t involved on some of those levels even tho we see them. Everything is changing, all of it. And many are working at different levels to shepherd the change. Feel your own guidance to know where you are.

We are seeing and experiencing so many things. One beautiful thing is to see our ability, once we move into the higher frequencies, to shift timelines, to rewrite the timelines we have been a part of, to create a different outcome. Once we have cleared our old patterns, our timelines shift and our past becomes different, our future too. We step outside of linear time, outside of the lockstep of linear, into more freedom. We are seeing this happening now, and it feels miraculous. I had a personal experience with this recently, where I saw my own past had changed and evolved. We are not only changing our own timelines, we are changing the collective timeline, which helps everyone move into a bigger version of Self. Even for those holding tightly to the structure of the old self and the old reality, there is more potential around them, and we are all moving into that. We do this work from the NOW space, the present, where we can impact both the past and the future. As cosmic warriors, we have been given certain abilities in order to be able to create what is needed at this time. Remember, time is not linear. We have to begin to operate non-linearly.

Interesting cloud that appeared when I discovered I had shifted my own timeline into a higher frequency.

We are moving into more unity. I had something very interesting happen. A question had formed in me, regarding some work I was guided to do, the question was about going ahead with this work. I was watching a video from someone in the UK who shares about this whole process of ascension, and near the end of it she said, OK, for you who are wondering about doing this, yes, this is what you are doing, and it is shrouded in mystery… Her answer contained a specific detail from my question, and I felt her words in my whole being. In recent weeks she has come into my dreams twice. And what we are going to find is this: as we unify, we will speak to each other in the way the galactics speak to us, with specific info, even tho we are not speaking directly to each other in person or even thru electronic means, and even if we don’t know one another personally. We are speaking thru the collective field, where messages are given and received. This has been coming for some time, and to experience it in this way was incredible.

I was shown this would happen about 15 years ago. A friend had asked me for the name of a carpenter who had done a small project at my house. We were driving to a movie, and I said, gosh, I can’t think of it but when I get home I will let you know. Then, in the middle of the movie, one of the characters turned away from the scene, looked out at me, and said, his name is … and he said the carpenter’s uncommon name. I was so surprised. How was that even possible? But ultimately it showed the way in which we are all connected in this great, grand cosmos. Pull a weed, jiggle a star. Nothing is fixed. Nothing is not a part of the whole. We are receiving communication all the time. We are receiving guidance and answers. We are all part of the immense Love that encompasses and nurtures every bit of pulsing light and stirring (awakening) consciousness.

Light-filled fruit smoothies are nourishing and nurturing. This is banana and dragonfruit.

We are each growing and moving at our own pace, and the pace is increasing of late. You may notice the intensity of some of the physical ramifications, the louder ringing in the ears, the aches and pains that come and go, the fatigue and tiredness that sometimes hits, and the needing to sleep/can’t sleep pattern. Continue to nurture yourself with quiet time when you can, light-filled raw fruits and vegetables, and Love. Remind yourself to move back into the higher frequencies if you drop out. We are disconnecting from 3D, thus our power to change what is taking place is becoming limited. We’re being guided to focus on creating the new instead of changing the old. We are being completely revamped at the physical level so that the new light, as it pours in, enlivens us, lifts us, and expands us into our 5D (and beyond) Love-based format.

2 thoughts on “This Multi-level Event

  1. Wow! This just happened to me! I was watching a pre-recorded video looking for information and the person LOOKED at the camera and said my name and then answered my question. It struck me that that was FOR ME! So amazing!

    • That is awesome!!! I am so glad you shared this. This is the NOW moment of connection and unity. This is where we are now.

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