April Infusions

Last night we received some powerful amplifying infusions. For me they started at 12:22 am and continued until 12:42 am. Pulses of light were coming in thru the feet every few seconds and lasting a few seconds. These light pulses were filling us with new light and raising our frequency. I could see them and sense them, but they were not creating any physical symptoms, at least for me, other than energizing me so much I was not able to fall asleep until 2 am.

These may make you feel like a helium balloon, ready to float off. They may make you feel like you’re glowing. They may make you ready ready ready for the NEW experience, right NOW. Or you may feel sleepy as the integration takes place, the unification of these light pulses with the essence of who we ARE now. They naturally become us and we find ourselves in a new space yet again, seeing more, hearing more, sensing more, knowing more.

These are also helping to catalyze remaining doubt so that we can see it and release it. The doubt is being swept out. A couple people I talked to recently were noticing doubt come up: Are they powerful? Are they able to create? Why aren’t they getting messages? Notice your own doubt. When does it show up and what is it telling you? Doubt is part of our old program. What we have in the new is sovereign knowing. We have our inherent guidance. We have our heart consciousness. We have our crystalline consciousness. We have our expanded awareness. All this works together to give us a bigger picture of what is taking place. And as we give up the doubt that we were taught to have, we move into that expansion.

In the last week we have been cut off/separated from the old world. It’s no longer there for us in the way that it was. We are now in our new Self, our higher self, and we have an “antenna self” that interacts with the old world as needed. And we do our best with all those interactions. Some of what takes place in the old world may not make sense, and for that matter what we’re doing won’t make sense to those still operating according to the old protocols. You’ve probably noticed that communication can have its challenges. We’re co-creating and creating win-win situations and some may not understand that. It’s important to keep everything as light and Light as possible. Our light-filled attitude and approach go a long way to making everything work at this point.

Feel the beauty of this auspicious moment, where you are entering the unified field of creation, to live and serve as a unified being,

Here is a message that came thru from the Pleiadians during a meditation: We love you, sisters and brothers of the light. We walk with you now. We walk as one. We hold this powerful Love energy that is remaking your planet, making her new. We hold this with you, as your co-creators. Feel the beauty of this auspicious moment, where you are entering the unified field of creation, to live and serve as a unified being, holding the new consciousness. This is our great honor as well as yours, as we both have worked so hard to bring it into being.

We’re becoming increasingly focused now, knowing how close we are to seeing so many of our creations in form, and to seeing our New Earth in form. Continue your work, because each one of us is essential. We’ve shed our old selves, we’re now here as our crystalline consciousness new Selves, anchoring, building and dreaming the new time, and experiencing the magic that it brings.

I had a taste of that yesterday. I didn’t go to get coffee for a few months due to the restrictions in place. But yesterday I had a few moments and I went to pick up a coffee to bring home. I had $2.50 left on a gift certificate someone gave me so I told the fellow at the shop I wanted to use that. He’s become a friend and he has a good sense of humor. He said, “We don’t have anything for $2.50. What did you want?” I also had cash with me, but I decided to play along, so I said, “I’d like a 3-ounce decaf mocha.” Their smallest one is of course 8 ounces. But that cracked him up and he said, “God, I’ve missed you.” Then he said, “You can order whatever you want and it’s $2.50.” Laughter is so important always, but especially now it’s healing and wholing. We can bring a light heart to all our interactions, and it will bring us into the expanded space of the new time, into heart-based connection, and into the realm of expanded potential.

2 thoughts on “April Infusions

    • I love what Ann Lamott says: “Laughter is carbonated holiness.” There is something very special about it for sure. Laughing with dear friends and family members is the best.

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