Bye-bye Doubt

We’re being strongly impacted by these intense waves of energy now, which are coming in with essentially no breaks as we close out the year. It’s the ending of an old way and the beginning of a new way and we’re being made new for this, in order to live in this new time. The upgrades, overrides and restructuring that is taking place can be extremely challenging to say the least. Symptoms and side effects can include dizziness, wooziness, heartburn, aches and pains that come and go, loss of appetite or heightened appetite, And lately, a fuzzy head that can make it hard to focus.

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Aiming for the Light

We are in a very new space where we are creating what we are thinking about in every moment. This means our reality can change quickly, as it flows with our thoughts. When we have high-vibrational thoughts, we see this vibrant, high-vibrational reality take shape around us, with things happening that make us laugh, take us by surprise, and feel magical.

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April Infusions

Last night we received some powerful amplifying infusions. For me they started at 12:22 am and continued until 12:42 am. Pulses of light were coming in thru the feet every few seconds and lasting a few seconds. These light pulses were filling us with new light and raising our frequency. I could see them and sense them, but they were not creating any physical symptoms, at least for me, other than energizing me so much I was not able to fall asleep until 2 am.

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