Are you noticing the solar flashing? This has been happening often of late, and you can see it even indoors. These are flashes of light that are evolving all of us now, whether we are aware of it or not. There is also a lot of plasma energy, which can impact us physically, especially our heart and digestive system. Again, part of the evolution. You may notice a feeling of intense anticipation and excitement, as we are sensing what is taking place and what we are on the brink of. It’s happening, this is it. Even those who who may seem unaware are being impacted. The change is here.
You may also be seeing, psychically, all the gold and silver light. There is so much taking place and so much forward and upward momentum as we continue our expansion into the new frequencies of creating our new world. Take a moment to feel this. We are sending out new signals to the collective. We are radiating suns, walking on the planet, each in our own area, sharing all this newness, spreading the energy of Love. This is the energy emitting from us now.
When we are in these expanded states and have to deal with the logistics of old world things, it can be really challenging. My modem quit this week and left me without Internet, and companies that provide Internet service seem to want to have you set up these connections yourself. I could work on that for 50 years and still not be connected with all those wires and hookups and confusing, incomplete directions. Thank goodness for friends. A friend came by and spent an hour getting me back online. He said he enjoys the challenge and the patience it requires. So thank you, Pat, for your expertise!
But I did do my best, and I drove to the local office of the company I use for Internet 3 times to get what was needed. Each time, they forgot to give me one of the essential pieces needed for the connection. But finally, I got them all, and with my friend’s help, the connection was made. I was back online, and thinking about the days before we knew what that even was.
During the night Friday, at 1 am, the power went out. The only light in my bedroom is my digital clock, and it flashed forcefully 4 times as strong energy seemed to surge out of it. I was struck by the force it generated and I felt like someone had crashed into a power pole with their car, taking the power with it. This has happened before, but this was the first time I noticed the intensity of that incident had been transferred instantly thru the lines. As it turned out, that is what happened, about 6 miles from where I live. Because we are entering unity, we will be able to feel and notice these things more and perhaps you’re noticing similar things.
Once we have each cleared our old programming, especially the programming that wants to do harm, and all that is not in alignment with our truth, we will not carry that energy into the unified field. That’s why we’ve spent so much time clearing. It’s essential to release what no longer supports us.
Unification is happening more and more and it is beautiful to see and experience as our own internal unity brings it in. We are attracting this energy from the cosmos. In the energy work I’ve been doing, more beings are showing up to take part, offer support, and align with our new frequencies. To be in the unified field with others is an amazing experience. To feel the cohesiveness, the joy, the enthusiasm. We are literally being lifted out of the old energies of oppression and limitation into these new spaces being created, that we are helping to create.

Continue holding the vision of what we are bringing in. Create your world. If you read something and it doesn’t resonate, let it go, especially if it holds the energy of fear. What do YOU want to create? Share your highest vision thru your own heart to make the path. We are the portals into the new. We show the way by embodying the new energy. We are choosing in every moment and seeing the power of those choices. We are like rain falling in the desert. The thirst is there.
I am feeling the energy you speak of coming through your message . Thank you. I said to a friend the other day, who is on the same page, I sometimes feel like I am glowing or pulsing.! Weird but wonderful.
I sometimes have that glowing or pulsing feeling too. Years ago when my journey first got started, I was having dinner with a friend at a little cafe where the lighting is low, and she said, “you have light coming out of your head.” She wasn’t aware of what I was experiencing, but apparently it showed. A few weeks after that, another friend said the same thing one evening. So evidently we ARE glowing! Like fireflies!
How wonderful!! Makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.