In college, I bought a book called In Search of the Miraculous by P. D. Ouspensky. I was drawn to it for some reason, even tho I never made my way thru all of it. But the title said a lot, and I know I have been guided my whole life in this direction. To search for something beyond what seemed apparent, to search for something miraculous. As I look back on the process now, I was being moved in a certain direction because I, like all of you, had work to do here, on this planet at this time. And it was work that we have had to feel our way into and thru. This work has led us into a life-changing evolution and into what can indeed be described as a search for the miraculous, where we have experienced so much that we would never have thought possible years ago.
I was reminded of this book this week because I stopped to get gas when I was out doing errands. And when the man at the pump gave me my receipt, he said, “Have a miraculous day.” The energy of that flooded into me, he meant what he said. And I thought, how powerful to offer that wish, that blessing, to someone. Earlier that day, before I left to do my errands, I said, Let me connect with the miracles that are out there.
The miracles are in us, we are creating them, but I always like to see them come into form. This was a beautiful example. Because they are also all around us when we begin to look. As I’m writing this, it is a beautiful, sunny day, and the sun seems to lift everyone’s spirits. It helps us remember our own happiness, our joy. And as we embody this sunlight, as we make it a part of us and send it back out to the world, we become powerful, inspirational creators. We too can send blessings thru the Love that infuses our cells, our whole being. This is part of who we are now.

We’re in search of the miraculous, and we’re creating the miraculous. We’re creating our whole new beautiful everything. Our New Earth is the haven we have dreamed into being by steadfastly following our guidance and instincts.
A couple years after I moved to the Oregon coast, I interviewed a retired science teacher for an article for the newspaper. He had started a land conservancy group, which has grown and is going strong. Getting it started, he faced some hurdles and had many meetings to slog his way thru and people opposed to what he was doing. I asked him how he did it. He said, “I went around them. I went where the sun was shining.”
Wow. Such simple, valuable advice that feels valuable still. If someone is blocking you, go around them. Go where the sun is shining. Keep forging ahead with your dream. There are plenty of blocks these day, but many people have learned to not let themselves be stopped by them. Share what you’re passionate about. There are always others on the same path. Together we’re getting this done, dismantling our old systems so that our new ones can come in. We go where the sun shines. We embody all that beautiful solar light and share it with all.
Later in the day after I got gas, I was digging out some blackberry runners in front of my house. Two men rode by on bikes and one them said, “Have a fantastic evening.” Again, I felt the incredible energy of the words. We can all be conscious of what we are wishing for others, and we can lift them in the process. Words are powerful conveyors of our energy and our dreams.
These two experiences are also evidence of the new divine masculine energy that is flooding in, helping us all to evolve in a new direction, in the direction of our co-creative power. This energy is supportive and inspiring. It wants to build and build up, support and nurture. We are all releasing the aspects of the old masculine energy that we held, in order to take in all this newness, and it has been feeling nourishing and nurturing and supportive and collaborative. Of course, we are still having sleep issues and ears ringing loudly and other symptoms of this embodiment/ascension process. But to feel this new energy coming in, it shows us the progress we have made. It is so appreciated and long-awaited.
Today, I told 1 stranger and a friend to have a fantastic day after reading your post. I don’t know how it felt for them to hear me say this, but it felt miraculous for me!!
Wow, that is great. We are totally embracing our power in so many ways now. And I love that it made you feel good too. I think everything we do that is good makes us feel good as well. And it’s wonderful that it works that way, that we ourselves benefit from putting Love out there to the world. Thanks for sharing and thanks for adding your Light to everything.