Last time I mentioned the healing/creation rays that are now available as part of our new reality. I said they looked like lines of light, each a different color, one on top of the other, glowing colors, like a rainbow, but aligned horizontally. And many more colors. A couple days after the post came out, I received an email with a photo. A reader said that after she read the post, she saw this horizontal rainbow from her porch. She’s never seen one before. So I include her photo here. It’s powerful when we receive validation in our lives for what we are doing and experiencing.
During this current retrograde period many are having old patterns resurface so that they can be seen and finally let go. Bringing things into the light makes it possible for us to release. So if you’re experiencing any triggers, take a moment to look at them to see what you’re being shown. When we’re triggered it’s always some remaining bit of unhealed, undealt-with stuff, and when we release it, we move into more of that delicious and expansive freedom.

We’ve felt separation from old friends and family members who haven’t understood what we are doing. This has been challenging, because we are propelled forward by such strong forces into this new way of being. Lately I’ve experienced beginning to reconnect with some of these people at a higher level—of respect, appreciation and love. Some of these waves of energy rolling in are bountiful, full of happiness. We have had to release the heaviness and suffering in order to feel this new bounty, this incredible beauty. Prepare for more. We are on the cusp. The amplified ear ringing and the off-the-charts Schumann frequencies and the other energies streaming in are bringing lot of magnificence our way. And as creators, this amplifies our creations.
We are coming into the Solstice, and for ages this has been a powerful opportunity for growth and expansion. As we open to the energies, and to embodying the evolutionary codes, we are carried into higher frequencies of this process. This is a chance to see/feel whatever remains that is coming up to be released, as well as an opportunity to envision what you are creating. We are letting go of the old parts (and you may find yourself clearing your closets as well) and making choices about what is important. It is interesting to hear people talk about how this past year-plus has given them an opportunity to self-examine. Some are rethinking their careers, some where and how they live. Almost everyone has had a timeout and some time to pull inward. We’ve all been weeding. We can now think about how we want to be in the world. What is important? What isn’t? We’re reimagining our lives, we re-creating them, with a new resolve. We’re reemerging with renewed respect for ourselves and others. We’re now supporting ourselves with a strong new foundation of self-love. We’re infusing our day-to-day activities with the Love and the Light we’ve absorbed into our being. We’re glowing now.

You may not have all the answers, but just be with the process. Let it unfold, see where it takes you. We exist in the moment, right now, and we can open our hearts and our beings to move into the expansion that is presenting. By showing up, we meet the experience. This is empowerment.
Take care. Be well. Enjoy. And remember, the joy arises from within. It is a part of who we are. As we clear all the non-joy—from our food by choosing organic options, from our interactions by creating good boundaries, from our thoughts by doing the clearing work—we can feel this inner joy coming out, infusing our world. It’s our recipe for New Earth: Clear out the old patterns, soak up the new vibes, feel the joy rise up. Happy Solstice!
Wow, what a great message. Slowly but surely we are sloughing off those old layers that have been holding us back. It is a lovely and lighter new way of being. Whew! It’s happening .