Psychic Expansion in the Crystalline Realm

Thursday night after I went to bed, I heard a sound—like something breaking—and then suddenly I was in a psychic experience of my house being broken apart in a very dramatic way. But I couldn’t make sense of it. Within seconds I realized I had to pull myself out of that experience, and I did, with great force. And then all was well.

But I woke up the next morning to the sad news that a condo building in Florida had collapsed. And I realized that was what I had felt, exactly when it was happening. Now that we are in the unified field, we will be even more able to feel such things, because we are all connected. I’ve had other experiences like this, and sometimes I had confirmation, sometimes I didn’t. I now believe I have often been feeling a real occurrence somewhere. Getting confirmation helps us to see that it wasn’t our imagination. In fact, a friend just shared she had a similar experience about a different scenario, and the next day she received confirmation that it had indeed happened, but to someone else, someone she didn’t know. We’re experiencing psychic expansion in the crystalline realm.

I’m mentioning this because you may have a similar psychic experience. And some of these could be strange or disturbing until we move completely into the New Earth. But with awareness we can realize what is taking place. And we want to clear the heaviness of this from our own psyche as we are moving more and more into a world that is happy and joyful and free of suffering. As we transition into the crystalline consciousness of the new time, we can choose what we see and experience, and we can choose what we create.

As we transition into the crystalline consciousness of the new time, we can choose what we see and experience, and we can choose what we create.

We can take the moment when we are sensing something disturbing or disruptive and put everything back together, make it right, and calm the energies. In fact, the sooner we can stop ourselves from experiencing whatever we are seeing, the better. As we calm the energies, that way they will at least be calm in our own world, and with enough of us doing this, it has an impact. Especially as we move thru this time of tumult, this can be impactful and stabilizing. We want to bring as much stabilizing energy as possible into what’s taking place right now in this moment of rebirth and re-imagining our world. We want to calm and stabilize whatever upheaval is taking place. And then use our power to create the new.

Those of us who have kept a low profile thru much of this evolution, in order to be safe, in order to live in harmony and balance, are now beginning to feel it is time to show who we are. This can show up as wanting to share things you haven’t shared before, for example, with people you know. The difference now is that we have strong boundaries, we (especially women) have learned to use our voice to say what is OK and what is not. And we are moving past the fear that led us to remain hidden. Just the energy of knowing we are now emerging is seen and felt by others in many ways, and you may see their response to you changing just because once again your energy has evolved into more of who you are and more of your power.

We continue to expand, we continue to grow, we continue to emerge, we continue to create. As we respect ourselves and trust ourselves and use our power in the way it is meant to be used—to create beauty and peace and balance and love—we will see this reflected back to us, from the people around us. There is much more willingness and support showing up. The Divine Feminine is moving into her new leadership role, and the Divine Masculine is backing her. This is exciting to experience and see. We are in a time of great creative opportunity now as we continue creating our New Earth.

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