
We are in some instability now as we reach this stage of the process. This is why we have been working to create stability, so that as we move thru this transition into the newness, into what we are establishing, we can do so with as little disruption and upheaval as possible. We are now seeing the unfoldments take place with all. We have known this was coming and one of the most important things we can do now is hold the space, our space, the space of New Earth that we have created. It is important to hold this with all our being, with the power of our new Self, the Self that is infused with the crystalline light to become whole. This is who we are now, and this is the Self we are sharing with the world. And specifically, this is the Self we are sharing with our communities.

We are beautiful new beings emerging from our chrysalis and fanning our wings as they dry. We are ready to fly, and we are flying into this whole new world that we have created. Here we are. It’s happening.

We are in the unfolding, holding our space, the beautiful New Earth that we have created around us.

We are in the unfolding, holding our space, the beautiful New Earth that we have created around us, and as we experience the unfolding, we don’t even have to say anything. This is beyond words. The space—the energy of the new space—is taking care of what needs to happen, as people are pulled into this new experience. Yesterday and today I have been watching this happen. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing at first, but I was guided to simply be with the process, and to hold the space. That’s why we have worked to listen to our guidance, and to move into the neutrality of the crystalline consciousness. We become guides, we become leaders, as we hold this new space and shepherd the ones in who are ready. Wordlessly. Or perhaps we’re saying things to encourage and inspire them. Now is the time, so you will be seeing this too. Trust your own ability to do this. It feels very new and different, and we may not recognize ourselves as we do this, but we will know we are experiencing the divinely inspired action of the new integrated Self that is now online and actively a part of the New Earth experience. We are more fully who we are than we have ever been during this time of being shepherds.

Right now, there are miracles unfolding beyond our wildest imagining. Dreams are being created. Within the space of a few hours yesterday and today, I saw so much that was completely unexpected, and it was all part of the unfoldment. Unexpectedly, people were sharing their vulnerability, their dreams, asking for help when they never have, and moving into their power. Some seemed confused by what was happening, as if they couldn’t grasp where the familiar trappings had gone, as if they’d been cast into the sea with only a life preserver. Others were forging into the new with open hearts.

What’s taking place is not linear, so it is hard to describe. Your mind will not be able to make sense of it, which is why we now rely on our heart center to guide us. We have learned to trust our knowing that all is well. And we’ve learned to hold our space of the new powerfully. We are holding the space and observing how people are being pulled into it. This is a strong force, we have all been feeling the strength of what is taking place. And we have reached this transitional phase of the process.

As we hold this space, as we see people’s vulnerabilities and fears and all the ways they have been limited, we are not the judge. We are not the helper, not the rescuer. We are the holders of the new consciousness, making it possible for them to experience their own process, in the way they have chosen. Many are being seared by this energy of the new as they evolve, because the awakening is real, it is serious.

We are the shepherds. We are holding the space very powerfully, so that we can be in the beauty and balance of what we have created. We continue to release the old, the nonworking parts. We move beyond the orchestration of the old because we are creators making a new garden, planting that garden with the seeds of peace and harmony and joy and love. This is our New Earth, for all who are ready.

One thought on “Unfoldments

  1. This is so amazing. And so beautifully explained. Yes, it feels like we are just holding the space as you say and just being a change agent without needing to say much . Thank you for attempting to put this into words.

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