I had a New Earth experience today that surprised me. A few days ago, I got out my checkbook to balance it when my statement arrived, but then I went for a bike ride first. I thought, I better tuck it away while I’m gone instead of leaving it on the table. So I considered for a moment the best place to hide it. Fast forward a few days. Yesterday, I realized my checkbook was missing. I had never done the balancing, and I couldn’t find the checkbook or the statement. I had a perfect memory of everything except the hiding spot. I spent the next half hour looking in every place that seemed like a possible hideaway and found nothing.
I asked my pendulum if the checkbook was in my house. Yes. Was I going to find it? Yes. But I couldn’t find it and could see I was going into the future of how can I fix this? At that point I was guided to stop trying to figure out where it was and simply get out of my head and all the thinking I’d been doing. Just that alone was a relief. Then the most unusual thing happened. My heart intelligence and my body intelligence took over. A knowing took over and with no thought whatsoever I walked into my room and reached up to a shelf and found the checkbook underneath a sweater in my closet. It would have taken me quite a while to find it had I continued checking likely places, as that was not even close to a likely place. It was so incredible to feel my body intelligence working in that way, remembering exactly what it had done. Like I said, there was no thought. I was very surprised, of course. It was so amazing to feel my knowing take care of the problem.

And it was also a great reminder of something basic—to trust our knowing. To trust our powers. It’s easy to go into worry and doubt, it takes a bit more circumspection to follow our guidance and use the powers that have been activated within us. Circumspection is the word that popped in, so I used it.
When I looked it up, I found this: “circumspection is required in the day-to-day exercise of administrative powers.” Well, it is also required in the day-to-day exercise of our cosmic powers. We take a step back and then follow our guidance, our knowing, and our heart and body intelligence. This is how we embrace the crystalline consciousness.
Cosmic powers are the ones we didn’t know we have, that are being awakened in us. Our powers to see and know and create. These are crucial to creating our New Earth. And we all have these once we slow down and get out of our own way. We can dial into these powers to make our lives easier, to make everything we do effortless. To be in the flow. What are you noticing with this?
The last few days, you may be feeling tired, you may be needing to nap to integrate the energies. Your eyes may seem out of focus at times, your brain may be feeling like cotton. And the ear ringing can sound like you are standing in a waterfall. As always, honor your process. Rest. Take care of your shiny new Self. We’re making progress. It’s a whole heck of a lot of powerful new energy we’re anchoring and embodying here.
I was very tired Saturday which is unusual for me, but I HAD to stop and rest and this morning I woke up with several insights and in a rested good mood and able to work (with pleasure) on getting my art ready for the studio tour in a couple of weeks. The insights are more cosmic/universal rather than about family issues lately. A nice change, and sometimes a little shocking. Glad to read your post!
Yvonne, thanks for sharing your experience. I love hearing feedback because we often find so many similarities. So interesting to hear your insights have shifted. And wonderful you were able to happily work on your art.