The Arrival of Expansion

Well, get ready. We’re being moved into some spaces we’ve never experienced. My dreams have been so unusual, taking me into these new expanded spaces of heart and psyche. There is a softening of all our defenses. In fact, you will not feel your defenses at all as you begin to create relationships at a new level of trust and openness. These are our new heart-centered selves coming on board. They are so new, so astonishingly beautiful, you will barely believe it.

Continue releasing whatever comes up. Continue moving yourself back into gratitude and love if you drop out of those. Continue embodying your power. Remember, we are powerful beyond measure. The more we practice using our power, the more familiar we become with it. Use your intention everyday, with everything you are doing, to help you get out of thinking. Our thinking often traps us in old programming.

Sylph clouds in the New Earth skies. Our new heart-centered Selves are coming on board.

Our defenses have kept us from experiencing Love and connection. In 3D we were armored up. We learned to not let people in.

The dream I just had connected me to someone thru heart consciousness, thru the new crystalline consciousness. My dreams are now showing me where we are headed and the newness that’s coming.

Earlier that evening before the dream, I had gotten a message: restart your timeline from your early 20s. I’ve been getting this message for awhile and I have tried a few techniques to do this, but this time I just said, I’m open to that. Then I had this dream. I was driving in the town where I grew up, past the house of the man I eventually married in real life. My car stopped, I didn’t have a cell phone, and I was guided to knock on the door of a house across the street from the one my ex had grown up in. A kind man answered and said of course I could use his phone. His daughter was there, as well as a friend, a woman. From the moment we saw each other, this man and I became aware of powerful forces at work. Our resistance was removed, our hearts were spontaneously opened and it was all we could do to even speak. We simply sat next to each other, our shoulders barely touching. We couldn’t even look at each other. The energy was that strong. We were being connected in the unified field, thru our hearts. There was so much knowing that came with this, a knowing of who the other was. Again, it is hard to describe this experience. It was felt, and the feeling of it was so incredibly gorgeous and new that I can only attempt to put it into words. It was like nothing I have ever experienced. Nothing. Falling in love pales in comparison to what this was. This was not “falling.” It was rising. Rising in Love thru unification and being completely open and unguarded. Wow, there are powerful forces at work indeed moving us into the new.

There are powerful forces at work now as we rise in Love thru unification.

Having had this dream experience, I can see even more of the ways that our earth experience has been hijacked to keep us from having the grand experiences we came here to have. We have been kept in a very limited realm, getting only glimpses of what is possible. We’re moving into that grandeur now. Are you ready?

In my dream I spent several hours just being with this person, acclimating to the heartfelt energies. Two of my friends came to the house too and we were all together, creating community of like-hearted beings. When I woke from this dream, my whole being was saturated with the absoluteness of this heart consciousness. I lay there memorizing it, making it a part of me, to never lose it again. We recognize this experience because we have had it before we came to earth.

Our knowing is one of our powers. And our knowing is growing now. There are things we are knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt. And we are remembering things we knew as children. We were wise as children, intuitively knowing what was true. A friend just said, she was constantly reminded to “use her head.” As children we were in that beautiful, powerful knowing space of our hearts and inner wisdom. Our parents did their best, they taught us what they were taught. But at some point, we can choose to move out of that into all this newness and into our awakened Self. And then into the expansion of the unified field and heart consciousness and crystalline consciousness.

In the dream, I was “across the street” from the choice I made previously. So I went back to a previous time in my 20s and followed the guidance into a new choice. My timeline was reset in my dream. All of us are going thru expansion now of our hearts, our consciousness, our psyches. We are all shifting into a more expanded experience as we leave limitation and rise into the new. Our vibration is carrying us like a seed on the wind into the New Earth. In addition to everything else you are doing, keep envisioning, keep creating.

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