On this ascension path we are experiencing reclamation of all that was our birthright, all that was taken from us, all we were not told the truth about. It is a solitary process until we move thru breaking free. And then we begin to move into unity and heart consciousness/connection with others. This latter part is where many of us are now.
I had a conversation with someone this week that brought this into focus. I was speaking with someone who I realized has been cast out. It was the first time I’d seen this, and then I was able to see how most of us going thru this process have been cast out. Suddenly I had a new perspective. Picture a mill wheel turning round and round in the water, and a small piece breaks off and floats free. Each of us has gone thru that, tho some of us came in already broken free. When we first break free and float off, we look and try to figure out why we are not still a part of the wheel, as the ones who are still a part seem to have an easier time. Why is that person getting something and I’m not? But with time and as we move into more awakening, we gain distance and more perspective. We see that we have been set free as part of our own soul plan. And then, at that point, we can choose another way of being. That moment of freedom is everything, and many, many of us are now in that space. We are free, and we are reclaiming what is rightfully ours. We are reclaiming our gifts, our natural abilities and the knowing that much of what we learned is not true. We are seeing truth, everywhere. And we are seeing all the ones who are still, some precariously, a part of the wheel.

This is the time for discernment. It is time to discern and use our creative power. There is a ton of information of every shape and size, so we pull back and observe from our heart space and we continue to create our joy and our beautiful surroundings. We remember to create what we want to experience. It is time to stop allowing others to create our experience for us. We are now the creators in charge, we are choosing. This is OUR New Earth, and we no longer allow others to diminish our experience.
As we hook up to our intuition and more people open to their intuitive gifts, we will have to be discerning about the information that is being put out there. Each is seeing from their perspective. When you listen to it, how does it make you feel? This is the best way to know if it’s true—if you feel fearful or doubting, take a step back. You can read or listen to as many things as you want, but only go with what resonates. Let the rest fall away for now. Our mission is to continue moving into the new.
We are weaving the tapestry. We are maintaining the threads. What are you weaving into this new experience? We are choosing to be of the light, lighting up what is around us.
We are being enlightened from the inside by these plasma waves and light waves that are coming with increasing frequency as we near the shift point. I am seeing people come into the new light and it’s surprising, so we remember to hold the space. Make sure that your own space is clean and bright. Keep it shining, keep it sparkling. Share the sparkle with everyone. There is so much coming our way, and as the pace quickens, we stand in our light and our knowing, even if we don’t have all the answers. And we don’t. No one does. What we have is our vision, which is our path. And we keep moving up this path, into all that we are dreaming into being, all that we are creating. This is our new experience and our New Earth.
This morning as I was driving, I was marveling at the trees, and sky and all the beauty around me and it hit me, this is the new earth! We are in it. This is what it feels like. It’s not in some other place or time. It’s right here, right now. I know you have been saying something similar to this, but it just hit me today for some reason.
Thank you for helping prepare the way for us to recognize what’s right in our midst.
That’s how it happens. Our perspective shifts and we see with fresh eyes, we see from more of our truth, and there it is. I’m so glad you shared this, because once we see it, then we see it again, and again. And once we see it, we can expand it.