Deep Connection to Source

Immersed now in the crystalline consciousness, we are experiencing a deep connection to Source, to God, to the One, to the divinity that is our natural state. And because we have opened our beings, this connection is deeper and more immediate than we have ever felt. And as we experience it, we create this profound, real-time, now-moment Source-supported, Source-inspired connection within us, and we consequently at the same moment create it in our new worlds, that are taking shape now around us in many, many ways.

This deep connection, this silence, reverberates thru us as we bring it in. There is a new resonance in our connection with others because of it. In fact, someone who has never come to my house, came to ask me to ride my bike with her so she could spend some time with me. Our power and our love have become magnetic, because we are in the flow. We are in the new magnetic flow. And even tho we are still doing the work ourselves, every day, to create our own connection, we also create this connection for others, thru the unified field. This is the way the new resonance works. No matter what is going on for us, we are still sharing this. This is the level of the frequency, which contracts and expands all day and all night. We are now in it, sharing it, and this is the New Earth. This is how it begins, thru resonance and frequency. We hold the light.

This deep connection, this silence, reverberates thru us as we bring it in.

Thus you may feel super wiped out some days as this is a rarified frequency that we are still acclimating to. The woman who asked me to ride with her shared that a couple of days ago she had no get-up-and-go, until she finally made herself do one thing, and then suddenly she was able to do a whole bunch of things. I had that same experience. I was so tired I didn’t feel like I could do anything, but then I decided to wash my windows, and that led to doing several more things, and it was effortless. Here’s how she phrased it: starting energized her. Once we start we are carried by the flow. The interesting thing is, she is not involved in this process. And yet she is beginning to experience it. It is seeping into everyone’s daily life. And if we said something to them about what is taking place, they would think it was crazy. So we just observe that things are taking place.

We have created the flow here and it now feels like this flow is going to carry many, and their awareness will expand as they are carried. Think of Noah’s Ark (and I wasn’t raised with any religion but that is the example popping in). The ark is there and when the water comes, it floats. That’s where we are now, with the ark ready, with all the arks ready to be carried in the magnetic flow as it rises and strengthens. What we are dreaming into our new worlds is on those arks, all the seeds for our New Earth.

This whole experience already exists. Feel the aliveness of this. We are being enlivened by this energy.

This whole experience already exists. Feel the aliveness of this. We are being enlivened by this energy.

The water is the flow is the love is the intention is the shift. We embodied the new energies to lift ourselves into the crystalline frequencies to create a whole new experience. We’ve known it since we came here. Even as kids we knew this planet was a mess and we were looking for answers. Self-empowerment drove this adventure and now we can see a lot of the big picture. The hands on the clock are being turned and no longer coincide with linear time. There are magnificent events taking place on a mammoth scale. And the more we deepen our connection to the Source, to God, to the Creator, to Truth, the more we experience and feel and see and sense what this is all about. This is an inside job that is playing out all around us and we are now seeing it happen. We have opened our hearts. Our New Earth is here. We are now in a direct conversation. All we have to do is engage. We are now connected and the conversation is live.

This is it. The shift is here.

I bow to each one of you for holding the space for this evolution to take place. Each of you, thru your dedication, has made this possible. Keep moving into your magic and your power. Our New Earth is unfolding before our eyes in all of its beauty and magnificence.

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