Recent Changes

The changes we have been going thru recently, in the last couple of weeks specifically, have been profound. They literally leave us different. I went thru these kinds of changes 20 years ago, in the beginning of my process. But these recent ones are even deeper and more life-altering, as they are taking us into this new realm. As we evolve, we can feel the evolution taking place. We are being made new.

This means embodying our true self, the one we have always been, who is not held back by fear. This new self is emboldened and disencumbered. There is nothing stopping her from saying what needs to be said, and for those experiencing this now, it can be very surprising. You may feel, who is this new person acting as me? And yet, we know exactly who it is. We feel it in the depths of our being. She’s here. Finally. Stand back, anyone who would stand in her way, particularly with the old patriarchal energy. Ridiculous excuses, control tactics, lies, all of it, done. We are now experiencing the breath of the Divine Feminine, the Goddess in all her glory, moving thru us. Her power, her wisdom, her beauty is flowing thru our circuitry. Her unequivocal force is enlivening our synapses. This is so new, it can leave us without words. This is happening to all, male or female, who are ready for this intensity of frequency. It is happening to all who are aligned with their integrity and sovereignty, who have moved into balance, who have embodied the new consciousness, and who have opened their hearts.

Along with this, we are seeing our energy fields, our force fields. They’re expansive, lit up, alive, and as you walk thru a supermarket, for instance, these fields are impacting other people. We have been embodying the light and the codes of the new time, and these are now a part of us. Thus those around us will be feeling and experiencing this light in order to begin shifting themselves. Some will be commenting about our light.

We have been embodying the light and the codes of the new time.

On my bike ride the other evening at sunset, a woman who was riding with me suddenly exclaimed, “Your hair is glowing. It’s lit up with the colors of the sunset and the trees.” She told me she used to be a hairdresser and she had never seen that before. We will have all kinds of experiences in this new light as we continue evolving.

New mural in town reflects what we are creating.

As part of this, we are being asked to stop thinking something is wrong with us. This idea was ingrained in us, and it is repeated everywhere around us to reinforce it. People often ask: What’s wrong? What’s a new question we can ask? What are you happy about today? What are you creating? What inspires you? How can you share your inspiration with others? Right after I wrote this, I saw the cover of my local paper, which shows a mural just created in the nearby town. It looks like the frequency we’re putting out is having an impact. What are you seeing around you?

So much is taking place now, on many levels, as we move ahead in this awakening into the new consciousness. We are deepening our relationship with our own divinity, feeling the God/Source energy within. Hold your frequency high to the best of your ability. If something brings you down, pull yourself back up. Sit in silence, connect with nature, remember something happy, think of what you’re grateful for. Inspire yourself. In the higher frequencies we’re creating our world as we go. We’re picturing and saying what we want. We’re clearing the path, we’re overriding the old. We’re being these bold, beautiful, glorious, inspired new selves. Keep embodying, keep shining, keep creating. It’s our New Earth, and it’s time.

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