I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are. I’ve always been fascinated by the twists and turns and synchronicities that lead us to where we are going. In my own life I can look back and see the bread crumbs that were dropped that often didn’t make sense or seemed random at the time.
I’ll share one that just recently became clear to me. Many years ago, before I had written my books, my mother gave me a wood napkin ring with a carved jaguar on it. She only gave me one, and so I didn’t use it, as I didn’t have any others. A few days ago I pulled it out of the drawer and it finally dawned on me: Jaguar. That was the title of my first book, Dance of the Jaguar. She died a few years before I wrote that book, but I’ve always wished she could read it, and it was as if she was letting me know that she knew. She always believed in me, and deep inside of her somewhere was the holy, expansive knowing of what I would do.

That’s the same knowing that is inside all of us, and this is what brings the synchronicities into our path. And because we are all connected, just think of all the magic that is happening, all the time, everywhere. But many times we simply can’t see it. Seeing can happen in an instant, or it can take years. And when our perception shifts, boom! We are able to see in a new way. It’s like we have new eyes. We are going thru this process now in an accelerated way to open our hearts, because when our hearts are open we become able to see all kinds of things and we will naturally make choices that support us. Our hearts are opening now and we are connecting to our divinity. We are discovering that we are the Christ. We carry the vision forward. This is the love energy that lies within us, that is moving from dormant to active. We are seeing the incredible, vast amount of love that is around us. This is what will change our world in a big way, forever. You may be feeling this energy wanting to express, as you let go of grudges, as you release negativity, as you have kind thoughts, as you speak kind words. This is happening now.
Are you willing to let go of what doesn’t support you? It’s a choice, and we get to choose. As we open our hearts, we can see our choices more clearly. It is important to choose not from the perspective of our old patterns and programming, but to choose from our internal wisdom and the massive amount of light that we are embodying to create our new surroundings. The process is planetary, but it’s also personal. Each person is helping to create the whole. Each person is following their path, and our paths overlap. Each one of us is finding our path, and the magic that has been put there for us. We will discover that magic when we are ready. It’s a gift that helps us to see the pieces of this grand puzzle coming together, and to find the answers to our questions. It’s a gift that helps us realize how powerful our own knowing and guidance are. May the force be with each one of us in this process as we make our way. May the force be with us as we become the force.