Aiming for the Light

We are in a very new space where we are creating what we are thinking about in every moment. This means our reality can change quickly, as it flows with our thoughts. When we have high-vibrational thoughts, we see this vibrant, high-vibrational reality take shape around us, with things happening that make us laugh, take us by surprise, and feel magical.

And if we drop into a negative thought or doubt, we can see a lower reality form around us just as quickly, and find ourselves wondering, wait, what happened, everything was going so well. Where is my power to create?

All that happened was our thoughts changed. We went from the sacred power of our divine creativity back into the doubt that has plagued us for too long. We went back into thinking, there’s no way… or, this will never happen… or, this is what the experts said… or… whatever trips you into going back into doubt or negativity and not able to see your gifts, tools, powers, and general, all-around majesty.

This is a magical month where we are seeing this switch quickly from one to the other, from creating what we want to creating what we don’t want, so that we can observe our power in action and finally make the choice—the BIG CHOICE—to align with our power, to choose sovereignty, to let the niggling doubt finally go. So that we can emerge into the FULLNESS and ABSOLUTE BEAUTY of who we are as shining, lit up, powerful beings of light and love, as embodiers of sovereignty and divinity.

This is what we are stepping into. We are being shown this, we are being told this, it is being spelled out to us in many ways. And yet we continue to go back into the familiar old fear and doubt and “What if?”

It’s time to stop. Gently but firmly reorient yourself. Refocus. Remind yourself who you are: an emerging power of God’s great creation, meant to rise up at this time into your glory. We’re aiming for the light.

We can dream our life into being. Copyright by Terry Andrews.

It is time to completely and totally align with our new Selves. As that old world spins crazily out of control, we want to be centered in our sacred newness. We’ve been having on-the-job training. Years ago, when I was hired at the newspaper as an editor and writer, the person who hired me said, “Just pretend you know how to use this software program, and I’ll show you whatever you don’t know.” It was great advice, and got me into a job that I wanted. That’s where we are now. We will be shown what we don’t know. But it’s go time. We’re going for it. We’ve had time to learn, we’ve had time to practice our new powers and skills, and now the proverbial rubber meets the road. We’re using all these tools and skills and our inherent knowing.

We’re starting to fly. It’s all about trust. We trust and we go. And we know in our deep knowing that we will create what we need. It’s beyond rocket science. It’s ascension. We are dialed in. We have embodied the codes. We have soaked up the light. We have transmuted the dark. We are ready.

We’re starting to fly. It’s all about trust. We trust and we go.

We’re each going to do this. Have faith. Have faith in your connection to your divinity and to the divinity that surrounds us, that has been speaking to us. Here we go, each of us. Goodbye fear, goodbye doubt. Hello beautiful new world. We’re flying.

The very first story I ever wrote, when I was six, was about a snail who left the aquarium to see what was beyond. Somehow I knew even at that young age that there would be a grand adventure in my life. I remember reading about explorers and wondering what frontiers were left for us to discover. Well, we’ve come to that frontier. We’ve been taken right to the edge of it. This is what we’ve been preparing for. This is why we came.

The message I’m getting is that this month is a challenging transitional period and we are going to have to rock every bit of creative power we can muster—every tool, every gift, every supportive thought, every healing vibe, all of it. We are now the CREATORS and this is a potent responsibility awakened within us at the current time in order for us to present to the world our freshly minted, fully embodied New Earth, which we have diligently and courageously brought into being.

We are in the single most amazing experience of our lifetime.

2 thoughts on “Aiming for the Light

  1. Wow!! I feel more empowered with each word you say. I really am experiencing this “time to fly” energy that’s all around me. One minute I think maybe I’m backsliding and the next something llike magic appears and moves me forward into greater power and sovereignty. Yes, it feels like I am on the edge of a new frontier. And it’s exhilarating. Thank you for sharing this.

    • Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this. I appreciate it. Right now, it’s exhilarating at times and challenging at times. Those moments of magic really help.

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