Unusual Things Are Happening

We continue our evolution, watching as we go. Lately, I am noticing unusual things happen that seem to defy explanation. I’ll give one example. I thought about hanging a bell by the front door that the cat can ring when he wants to come in. Lately, since it has been so rainy, he spends a lot of time on the covered porch just observing everything from a dry spot. But I haven’t gotten around to doing it.

This morning, as I was reading something on my computer, I heard a bell jingle. My first thought was, that sounds like Santa. I could think of no source for the bell, so I went to the front door and opened it. The cat, who had been out for about a half hour, was practically pressed against the door wanting in.

So just imagine for a moment, that the thoughts we are having are being created on some level, the level beyond our physical knowing and seeing, beyond our tangible, familiar world. Because I had thought about the bell, that option had been created, even tho it was not visible. It existed only as an energetic intention.

If it just happened once, you could dismiss it, right? But it’s been happening every day with one thing or another, and it feels very odd because it is so unfamiliar. But this is the next step for us, the next thing we are now experiencing. Our thoughts are being created in a tangible way in the world of energy.

Our thoughts are being created in a tangible way in the world of energy.

Over the last several years I have created all kinds of things in the physical world. One day I wrote “car wash mitt” on my shopping list and the next morning there was a brand new one in my driveway that had blown in from somewhere, judging from the pine needles it had picked up. But it was exactly what I had planned to buy. I’ve been having these experiences for quite a while, and even tho they still surprise me, I am now more used to them.

But the bell ringing makes no sense to my logical mind. There is no bell in my house that made that sound. And yet I clearly heard it. Are you having this happen?

The other thing I am noticing is, we are being guided to create what we need and to do things that take us into getting what we need, and it’s like putting a puzzle together. One clue here, one choice there, and so on. We’ve moved onto a new path, a path where everything “works,” so to speak. Where the pieces come together to create something new that is supportive of us, without a struggle.

We’ve moved onto a new path, a path where everything works.

Here’s an example: the power went out last Saturday, 30 seconds before I went to push the garage door opener on the wall in the garage. I had to be somewhere in 20 minutes. Poof, no power. I said, “I need power to open the door.” The power went back on, then off, then on. The door opened, and the power went off again. I got in the car and backed it out, thinking I would leave the garage door open for the short time I would be gone. But the power came on one more time and I closed the door. Then it was out for the next 3 hours. When it came back on, the opener on the wall no longer worked.

But I discovered the remote opener in the car worked the door, so I was still able to open and close the door that way. Yes, I could disconnect the door and operate it manually, but I like to keep things easy and as effortless as possible. As humans, we’ve learned to make things hard for ourselves, when often they can be easy. When things are effortless, we have more time to create and just BE our authentic selves.

On Monday I called the local company that repairs garage doors, and the person said, our scheduler will call you sometime this week to set up an appointment. Off I went to the store to get groceries. The moment I had paid for the groceries, my phone rang. It was the repair man, and he said he would be at my house in 20 minutes. I told him it would take me 25 minutes to get home. He said, no worries, he would just wait for me. Seriously? How kind.

So I made my intention that I would get home in 20 minutes without speeding. What took place was phenomenal. Once again, every light was green and the traffic moved seamlessly. I remembered how 20 years ago I used to bend time. I would ask for everything to align so that I arrived exactly when I was supposed to, and miracles would happen. I was driving with a friend in 1998, we had a two-hour trip and he needed to be at a business before they closed in an hour and a half. He was speeding down the highway and I asked him to slow down. I assured him we would arrive in time, and we did. When we got there, he looked at me and said, How did you do that?

For the most part, we never have a satisfactory explanation for 3D folks, and they never seem to want to try these things for themselves, even when they see that they work. I no longer spend any time with that because it seems to fall on deaf ears. But we can still use these energetic tools for ourselves, like I did driving home. I pulled up just as the repair person arrived. 21 minutes exactly. It took an extra minute because I stopped to move a salamander out of the road a block from my house. It’s a half hour drive on a good day, but that’s in 3D. And we’re just not there anymore.

So the garage door opener unit on the ceiling needs a new logic board and the fellow will be back to put it in. Everything about his visit clicked. Extraneous pieces came together. The story is too long to tell here, but I noticed all these things taking place. I’m hoping you are noticing similar things in your experience. We are being supported in many ways.

The other thing happening is that physicality is changing. I first noticed this a few years ago, but now it is happening more frequently. Several years ago I decided to sell an antique ring. We’re clearing old treasures to make room for new ones. When I took it to a local jeweler who buys antique jewelry, he said one clasp that help the gemstone was broken and thus the ring was not valuable. About 3 years later, I took the ring out of the drawer, wondering what I should do with it. When I looked at it, I saw it was whole. That made no sense. I took it back to the same person, and he bought it. There was nothing wrong with it. Again, our logical minds flop around like fish out of water when these things happen.

This week, I got out a $5 bill my father gave me years ago. A coin dealer had said he was interested, that is was worth about $40. But—and this is so odd—the bill was now a $1 bill, and when I googled it, the prices started at $250 and went up from there. I am still trying not to spend much time thinking about how a $5 bill became a $1 bill. In our physical 3D world, that just doesn’t happen.

But in our new world, this world we are now surrounded by and that is revealing itself to us in all its grandeur, all kinds of things can happen. We’ve had experiences in the last few years to give us ideas about how it will look, how it will be, how it will work, but none of this is going to completely prepare us for the actuality of it. This is something none of us have experienced. All we have to do is not convince ourselves otherwise. We move into it with our hearts open to see what’s there.

So we’re open, we’re ready and we’re releasing as much as we can from our old world in order to move into all this newness. I can’t wait to see what’s next for us. Continue to allow all this expansion into our new domain and this wealth of supportive, no-nonsense, nurturing energy that is barreling in.

It can feel very intense right now. Just do your best, one moment at a time.

5 thoughts on “Unusual Things Are Happening

  1. Hello Terry! All this visualizing can be fun to see what happens next…….on Friday night I watched a favorite Christmas movie, and after the movie I said to myself, “I would like to see the original version of this movie.” And lo and behold, when I went to our local library the next morning, guess what VHS tape was on the free shelf? The original version of the movie!. So much fun! Smiling about this “small” coincidence…..that do me is really a “big and beautiful” sign from the universe❤.

    Thank you for always being with us on the unfolding “magical mystery tour”

    • Thanks for sharing that, Cathy. You totally created it. It’s so much fun to see what happens, and I love hearing about other people’s experiences with this. It makes me smile too.

  2. Terry, I love hearing about things like this. Something new happened to me a few nights ago. I woke up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. And as I lay there wide awake wondering what time it was, I began experiencing this profound love and gratitude wash through me. I felt this unconditional love for every member of my family and every person in my life. It was so beautiful. My heart felt wide open.
    Nothing like that has ever happened to me.

    • Melinda, that is awesome. I’ve had that happen, and like you said, it washes thru you, beyond your control. Just imagine when everyone gets a taste of that, and we all realize that we can live in a new way, with those new feelings.

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