Moving into Our New Potential

Snow was forecast for Christmas. We get very little snow in this area, so it’s always an event. And it generally doesn’t last long. This time, though, we’re supposed to have a few days of it, and colder temperatures.

First thing I did this morning was make a little snow-being. We don’t usually have enough snow to make a big one. Then a friend came by and loved it—she went home to make her own.

Then my neighbors invited me to go sledding. Native Californians, they bought a plastic saucer and have been waiting to use it. So we warmed up on a small hill in front of their house and then went in search of a bigger hill, but couldn’t find a good one. The only good hill nearby has a pond at the bottom. After they saw my snow-being they went to make one too.

And then I really wanted to go for a bike ride. The roads were slushy and snow-covered so I asked for that to melt and the blizzard-like snow to stop. Mid-afternoon it did, and when I went out to check, most of the snow was gone off the road. I had a very nice ride.

Mid-day, it was snowing and blowing.

Sometimes I still occasionally think, there’s no way I can create that—whatever it is. Today it was the snow melting off the road. It was 34° and the wind was cold. So I didn’t THINK it would melt. But then I saw I was getting in the way of creating what I wanted, and I just put my wish out there. And then it happened.

We can all do that. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. But if you try it and it works, then you know it’s possible. And then you can refine your ability. We learn about manifesting by doing it, by accepting the fact that we can. We are creators.

We can create all kinds of things every day, whatever we need. In this end-of-the-year build-up of energies, we are feeling so much that is collapsing and so much that is coming into being. I’ve heard a number of people mention how restful Christmas was, that they had time to rest. We are being renewed. As we move into this new year, take a moment to remember who you are, to know you are a powerful being capable of creating so much. Take some time to feel this New You that is emerging. Maybe sketch a picture of how you look now, as fanciful as you want it to be, doing all the amazing things you can do. Maybe you’re flying or riding a unicorn or creating something big. Remember, anything is possible, because we are creating it. And we are no longer limited by what was real in the old world. We have moved beyond that. This is our new world, our new time, our New Earth. We are moving into our new potential. Begin to be who you have evolved into. Let your heart open to what’s possible now. Relax, breathe, be inspired. What are you dreaming into being? What are you creating?

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