Seeing the New Unfold

I had a fun, sweet moment this week. I was riding my bike with a neighbor and she mentioned that she likes to have fudge for Christmas. I told her I have not had fudge for years, but my mother used to make it. “I think I would like to have one small piece,” I added. And that was that. I forgot all about it. The next day I was on my bike again, and I encountered a couple from the neighborhood taking a plate of cookies to the woman across the street from them.“She’s not home,” I told them. “She went to her nephew’s house.” We chatted for a minute and then she pulled the plastic wrap back and asked, “Would you like a cookie?”

On the plate there were Russian tea cakes and… small pieces of fudge. Not only was it exactly what I had asked for, it tasted just like the fudge my mother made. It was a lovely surprise.

So I had that sweet, happy moment that I had actually created, and I thoroughly enjoyed the unexpected and yet perfectly orchestrated quality of it. The perfection of these moments is something I love. You can feel it in your whole being. It’s a feeling of delight and joy and knowing and surprise and magic, all wrapped into one moment of the acknowledgment of our power as creator beings. Will we ever get used to this? Or will we always realize the magical nature of what is taking place? Will we always maintain that feeling of lightness that encompasses these experiences?

The road before the snow melted.

A few minutes later I ran into the neighbor who had originally mentioned the fudge. She joined me on my bike ride and I told her what had happened. But she was unable to appreciate it, being still caught in the fraught world of 3D. Instead she wanted to talk about something heavy, I don’t remember what. We rode along, there was almost no traffic, the road was clear of the snow we’d had, and it was cold but not windy, an enjoyable ride. Then we came to a stretch of road with a narrow strip of frozen slush. There was plenty of dry pavement, and when I saw an oncoming car, I moved behind her on my bike. The car was going very slow, about 15 miles per hour as it passed. But suddenly my fellow bike rider swerved into the frozen slush. I saw the whole thing before it happened and had a moment to prepare. It happened quickly but it seemed in slow motion. Her bike went one way and she went the other, landing on her side. It completely blocked the lane we were in and I quickly stopped my bike before I ended up in a heap with her. That was because I had seen it happen in the split second before it did. I also saw she was unhurt. The car stopped and the couple in it asked if my neighbor needed help. It took her a moment to assess and then she got up and said she was OK. She didn’t need help. I thanked them for stopping and offering assistance and they drove slowly off.

After another couple minutes, my neighbor and I continued on our ride. I was glad she wasn’t hurt, but when I got home, I wondered what this episode was about. Why had she gone down with a thud right in front of me? This journey into wholeness has been allegorical from the beginning, with meanings hidden in overt events. Those underlying meanings and symbols have been very revealing to us, helping us to untangle and make sense of what is taking place in this grand transformation into crystalline consciousness and our New Selves. During this entire process, we have been communicated with thru this rich tapestry of messages that have lit our way. Seeing the meanings is the light in the darkness. It’s our metaphysical guidebook. It’s where we come into wisdom and growth. Aha. I get it.

Why had this happened? What I heard was this: 3D is going down. For all who are insisting on this density, it will be a challenging experience. They are not ready for all this light that is flooding in. There has been time to prepare, and each is choosing for themselves to maintain or release. There are openings in every moment. There are opportunities everywhere. This is about reconnecting with who you truly are. It is a gift we are being given, and it is a path we have chosen.

That’s why we have worked so diligently to move into the light, to embody the light, to open our hearts, to embrace the new, and to hold this space for all.

That’s why we have worked so diligently to move into the light, to embody the light, to open our hearts, to embrace the new, and to hold this space for all. We’re opening to this energy and welcoming it with our whole being. We came here to create this and we are eager to see it come into fullness. We are more than ready to release the old. And we are more than ready to talk to anyone who wants to know about it.

The old world no longer holds any appeal for us. We acknowledge it, but we have chosen to move beyond what it offers. We have a very new perspective because of this. We’ve opened to joy and happiness and love and magic and the fact that we have power. We’re willing to change. We appreciate the beauty of what is taking place around us in this incredible expanding space.

We are here for this magnificent new ride into what we are creating, into what is taking shape, into what is being revealed. We’re here for all of it. This is the world beyond fear, beyond doubt, beyond limitation, beyond lack. And we’re in it. That’s why we’re noticing the Great Divide between us and those who have not yet glimpsed this New Earth. They don’t understand our stories, our words, our beliefs, our happiness, our light-heartedness. We’ve dropped the mantle of heaviness that was 3D in order to be in the gorgeous expansiveness of what lies beyond.

I always ask my parents to show up at Christmas and they show up in new ways each year. Being gifted that piece of fudge was an unexpected, out of the blue encounter with the past, and I strongly felt their presence at that moment. It was a flashback to childhood memories and traditions. But it was also a now moment experience that shows us we are in the expanded new time. We’re connecting with our divinity. We’re tasting holiness. We’re seeing our magnificent power as creators. We’re here now, seeing our Heaven on Earth unfolding, and nothing is waylaying us. We’ve created our new world and we are going to see it grow, as more and more people realize they can begin to live in a different way as well.

Everyone’s welcome. There’s room for all. Just open your heart and begin to see the magic. Begin to love who you are. Begin to acknowledge your power. Presto, you’re there. Once you see it, you know it, because it is already written inside us. Once you experience it, there’s no going back. This is our new home, and we’re here to stay.

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