New Experiences

The West Coast had a tsunami advisory this morning, and before I knew about it, I wondered why my cat had not wanted to go outside, as is usual for him. He was sitting all early morning, watching outside to the west. After I got up, he moved to the living room to watch, and finally went out and watched from the deck for about 10 minutes. He stayed with me, which is also unusual. Normally he would have gone to choose a sleeping spot for his long daily snooze.

He was calm but alert, as you can see in these two photos, when he stood up from the couch to see out the window.

The moment the advisory ended he immediately relaxed his guard and went outside. His tail went up and his whole demeanor changed. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him act like this when we’ve had warnings. What are you noticing with your companion animals recently? Anything different? It appears we’ve gone to a new level with them.

There’s a lot of change taking place, and many people that I encounter are feeling stressed and isolated from what’s been going on for the last two years. It’s common for them to share fear and negativity. I generally listen and then switch to something that feels inspirational.

One of the best things we can share is inspiration. When we’re inspired, we breathe in divinity. We breathe in our own divine nature, our own holiness, and use it to create. That’s why creating feels so amazing. And when we are in the creative mode, time disappears, our creation becomes effortless. Ideas are flowing. We surprise and delight ourselves with what emerges. We create things that we could never have created if we weren’t in that timeless, connected space. We see and experience our own beauty and power. This is the experience we are meant to have.

When we’re inspired, we breathe in divinity. We breathe in our own divine nature, our own holiness, and use it to create.

When we had snow Christmas night, I shared the photo of the wee snow beings I made. Someone I know just had snow, and sent me pictures of the snow cat and forest creature they made. And they said, “you inspired us!” This is what we need more of in our lives: inspiration. How can you inspire? How can you lift your own spirits as well as those of someone else? This is a very challenging time, and we need times of light-heartedness to soothe our mental, physical and emotional systems.

We can share funny stories that have happened to us, and here’s one that I was reminded of recently. There was a couple who used to live in my neighborhood. He was quite a bit older than his wife, and one day when I encountered them on my walk, she said, “It’s Rick’s birthday. He’s 90.” Rick had dementia and whenever she would stop to talk to someone, he would dance. He was a tiny man, very slender, and he danced slowly and gracefully, moving his arms thru the air and smiling. “When he heard her say he was 90, he said, “What? No! I’m 900!” And he kept dancing so happily. “I’m 900,” he repeated in a sing-song voice as he danced. I smile every time I think of that story. I recently shared it with someone and he smiled and said, “He sounds like someone I want to know.”

We are now experiencing spontaneous change. Walls are coming down. I just had one come down that I didn’t really know was there. Well, I knew about the issue, but I didn’t know what to do about it. And I was presented with an in-my-face opportunity to make a different choice. I did just that, choosing beyond fear. And a day later, I saw the wall come down, opening me to the freedom beyond that wall. It was unexpected and welcome. We are going to go thru this and more as we open to all the newness growing around us. Remember, it’s important to make new choices. What does the courageous You want to choose?

Some of our growth will come about as a result of our choices, as we decide to make new ones. Our choices empower us. We can make new choices to change what is taking place. Just choosing to have a different response changes what’s around you.

I am noticing when I am out doing errands, we are having the full range of experiences now, from limited 3d to magical 5D. These are overlapping. We are seeing and sometimes experiencing the ridiculous antagonism of the old world and the people who have tried to control their little duchies. They have learned only to use inverted power, which is power over others, and use it largely to try to keep fear away. They are out of touch and not aligned with their own truth. When we align with our truth, our authenticity, we begin to experience our true power. This is our power to create the world we want to live in.

This takes us into the magical realm of the new, which we are tapping into now. We are going to see and experience so much that is amazing. I’ve been having experiences that are hard to even describe, because to our rational mind, they make no sense. And yet, as they happen, we see they are absolutely taking place. The magic is here when we tap in.

This takes us into the magical realm of the new, which we are tapping into now.

We are being kicked into high gear now, where we no longer give much time to the ones caught in the web of fear. We will need to navigate this space to the best of our ability. The more we align with who we are, the more we see, the more we know. And the more we feel our power and use it to create. Things are evolving, and we’re experiencing change in a new way since this new year began.

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