The Immensity of Our Divine Feminine Power

Those of us who came here to do this have been fighting for quite a while in various ways to change from the old to the new. Thursday morning came a message from my team that we are done fighting. Now we are simply creating, using the awesome immensity of the Divine Feminine that has presented, that we are embodying as part of who we now are.

This signals a big shift has taken place. We’ve come into a new space and maybe you are feeling it. We left some very heavy energy, which was palpable in the early part of this last week, and moved into some beautiful, happy, light, uplifting, expanded, heart-centered energy of this new realm. Earlier in the week, the old energy was almost painful. It was distressing to our new crystalline consciousness and the openness of our new crystalline hearts. We can now clearly see how challenging that energy was—and it was what we have been living in for our whole lives. How did we even survive it? That’s how it feels.

We’ve moved into some beautiful, happy, light, uplifting, expanded, heart-centered energy of this new realm. (Painting by Courtney Sterkel was a gift from a friend.)

Back to the message that came thru. It can be challenging to end the conditioning that has led us to take on the battles to make our lives and communities better. We have worked long and hard. It’s force of habit to think we will fight to create change. Thursday morning there was such a heavy feeling that it was almost hard to breathe. It lifted the moment the message came thru. We don’t have to fight anymore. Now we can focus on simply creating using the capabilities of our new crystalline consciousness.

I never know what these posts are about until I start writing. This happened to me for years with the books I wrote—I only found out what they were about in writing them. And what I discovered was, the sometimes crazy things I wrote about would come into being. Writing is one way to create, and our creative ability is an essential tool. It is an expression of our essence.

We are powerful creators, powerful in a way that we have never experienced before. In fact, the power of our new, heart-based crystalline consciousness that has been emerging in recent months is beyond our current knowing. We discover it as we move into it and as we use it. It is up to each of us to embark on this discovery process. We will be awed to discover what is possible.

As we shift our focus from fighting the negative, limiting forces, we can expand even further. We can expand into the beauty and majesty of who we are. We are strong when we fight, but we are also small. To claim even more of our cosmic heritage, we can expand into our divine truth. In this way we become unstoppable. We become able to rock the boat right out of the water.

You may be feeling this new energy moving thru you at times. You may feel you have to hold it back or restrain it from expressing. We are learning to express it as the pure, undiluted, incredible light that it is. This is wholly holy energy. This is Divine Feminine power, and it is available to us all.

This is wholly holy energy. This is Divine Feminine power.

Right now it can feel like raw power. We can feel like, what do I do with all this? Take it one step at a time. Continue to use your intention. Continue to be open. Continue to surrender to what is taking place within. Our evolution is from the inside out. From the heart center of our being to the New Earth that we are creating. From our divine spark to our manifested creation. We are the strong-willed, open-hearted, intention-fueled creators of what is coming into being. Acknowledge that. Hold that faith in your inner knowing. Trust that you are being guided. Embrace this immense Divine Feminine power that is reshaping everything we know. Wield your power. Honor who you are.

I just had a dream about a large black bear. She came into my room to tell me, now is the time. This was yet another presentation of the Divine Feminine. Pure power, pure wisdom, pure intuition, pure intensity. Now is the time to summon all your support, all your knowing, all your tools, all your inherent power. The doors have opened into our new realm. We are here. We have created it, we have moved into it, and now we can expand it to make it our whole world.

Remember to remind yourself, I am in the New Earth. I am creating my new home, my new world, with the others who are co-creating with me. It’s easy to slip back into the confines of 3D, which is needy and demanding with its endless list of chores and demands, but we can rise above that thru the eternal flame that lives within. I am in the New Earth. I reminded myself of this on my way to the store this week, and I was happy to see the shelves stocked with several items that have been out in recent weeks.

Release the fight. Release the struggle. Be who you are, the one who came here, who overrode and overwrote the old, to create the New Earth. Claim your creation. Begin to express your gratitude for where you are now. Hold this space. And share it with those who are ready.

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