Our Intuition Is a Dynamic Part of Our Power

Our intuitive powers continue to grow. They are essential to our new way of being because they are our innate Internet, our phones, our connection to all that is. They are a dynamic and important part of our power.

One day this week I was working on something when I had a thought: I’d like to get a letter from my brother. My brother has given up email and gone back to letters, harking back to 30 years ago when that’s how we got our news from family members and friends. It allows him to send wonderful whimsical drawings to illustrate what’s currently going on. I always look forward to seeing them.

About 4 hours after I had that thought, I felt a letter from him drop down and land on my lap, as if someone had physically given it to me. It was real as real could be and I even felt his playful energy. But at the same time it was definitely odd, because while there was a physical sensation nothing physical was there. When I checked later, his letter was in my mailbox. My intuition was totally aware of this, which is why it had notified me.

A letter from my brother with his great artwork

I’m mentioning this because of the incredible detail and realness of our psychic experience now. It is becoming as real as our physical world and we will grow more accustomed to this as we work with it. Notice how often you think of someone before they text or call.

I was doing a session with someone this past week, and her second-grade teacher popped in and told me her name. I asked the person if she had a teacher with that name at that time—yes, she did. In the past, I didn’t always get this level of detail, but in the last few months, it’s been happening often. The person, whether they are on the earth or not, pops in with specific information. I’ve always made these connections, but the details are heightened now, and these can surprise us. Our psychic skills are being amplified as we unify with the field of oneness.

You may notice all kinds of pictures and images coming into your head now. There is a vote happening in my area, and a picture dropped into my awareness of the elected officials being assisted—by an unseen hand on their arms, by a voice in their hearts—to vote for the good of all rather than any kind of monetary or self-interest. I’ve never seen anything like this before, but the energies are helping everyone to evolve.

On this journey, we eventually move off the paved roads and begin to follow the narrow paths that lead into the ever-increasing light. And then we begin making our own paths, cutting thru the undergrowth and finding our way, feeling the truth and hearing our knowing as our guide.

We are also having little blips where everything resets and then we come back. These momentary pauses are odd too when they first happen, but show how much the frequency is increasing.

The partial solar eclipse this past weekend packed a punch. Some of us didn’t sleep much Friday night. A couple people said they woke up feeling blah, like they couldn’t get their day started but felt better later in the day. Today, Sunday, feels much better. So let’s do it, let’s light up the world!

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