Moving into New Alignments

I had a very interesting and unexpected experience this week. I was finishing my bike ride about 7:30 pm when I noticed the people at a vacation rental near me had let their two poodles out of the car without leashes. I knew what would happen, and the dogs came happily running out to chase me, barking as they ran. I stopped and used the technique I learned from the Dog Whisperer, firmly putting my hand out to show stop and making a quick sound, cht. They stopped in their tracks.

The couple called from up by the car, “They’re friendly.”

I said, “Your dogs need to be leashed.”

They said, “We didn’t think anyone was around.”

The man came down the driveway to get the dogs and I started to ride away. The dogs immediately began chasing me and barking, a very fun game for them. The man asked if I would circle back so he could get the dogs. So I did, but he and his wife were unable to catch them.

They told me they are retired and drove across the country from Connecticut to see Oregon. They were very nice, and I realized I would have to help them. So I said, “I’m going to park my bike and take your dogs up to the house.” The older poodle was 4, the younger one 9 months. They were so happy I was headed up to the house. The door was open and they ran with me, bouncing the whole way. When we got to the door, I said, “inside,” and in they went. The woman closed the door.

Some part of me moved into a higher space. I parked my bike to take the dogs in.

The couple was enormously appreciative. I said, “You really do need to be careful because of the elk. Elk are not fond of dogs and they will do whatever needed to deal with them.” Oh, they saw the elk, it was so exciting, she told me. And they both began telling me about their trip and how much fun they were having. They were friendly, engaging people.

But they are also vacation renters, some of whom have been very problematic for my community. Due to the proliferation of these rentals, we’ve had more traffic, more noise, loose dogs, and a host of other issues, some quite serious. I’ve had renters knock on my door and ask for assistance with problems. We’ve been working in this community, like many communities have done, to end them. Many of us believe they don’t belong in residential areas, where we choose to live because we enjoy a quiet setting and getting to know neighbors and forming community.

What was interesting was as this was taking place, I felt separate from all of it. I felt in a neutral space, which surprised me, as I was trying to remind myself I don’t like to have vacation rentals in my neighborhood. But some part of me moved into a higher space, where that didn’t impact me. And this felt very different. I wasn’t “in charge,” so to speak, knowing what I believe. I was simply moving with the energy, seeing all the sides of everything. And realizing also that I was not a part of the old world. The pups pulled me into their fun, into the higher space where we do have fun, where the worldly problems fall away.

We will find this happening for us as we continue with this process of ascending into the new and embodying all the new energies. We will continue to move out of the old energies that have been part of who we are and what we do, and into these new energies, where we are learning every day more about what’s possible. But this can happen spontaneously, when we’re not expecting it, and shift us into an unfamiliar space where we are feeling our way, sensing what to do, wondering why our old beliefs aren’t helping us to do what we thought we wanted to do. It feels like your mind is not cooperating with what you want to do. And it’s not.

This is part of the process of us becoming new.

It’s another shift in consciousness. While we learned to work at the 3D level to resolve problems, we are increasingly seeing that we can work at higher levels to create what we want to have around us. These new experiences may surprise us, but stay with them, see what’s there for you, as you create your new world.

It’s another shift in consciousness. We are increasingly seeing that we can work at higher levels to create what we want to have around us.

And as always, be open to the animals who are working with us to show us the new. Animals and children are dialed in. A friend of mine just shared with me, her young son announced that he is here to change the earth. What a powerful thing to know at the age of 7.

He also knows he came from the stars. He has a family there that sent him here and has been helping him. These kids are part of our team, ready to move into all the potential that has opened up. What an experience we are having. It’s unfolding every day

2 thoughts on “Moving into New Alignments

  1. Terry
    Thank you for giving words to describe this energy.
    This explains the way to open up to the Great Expanse of the energy
    that is here now.
    Seems it is viewing all from the level of Eagle, where there are no boundaries.
    I have been seeing this energy since Thursday.
    Thanks for explaining.

    • Thanks for sharing this! The level of Eagle. A little over a week ago, Eagle dropped out of a tree over my head as I rode my bike. Wonderful to make that connection due to your comment. Great that you are seeing this energy.

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