I was just watching Tarot by Janine’s recent video, where she mentions that as a kid her mother told her she had an overactive imagination. Oh my gosh, how many of us heard that? Like a million times. Then one day we find out, it’s not our imagination at all. No, it’s our ability to see! To know! To feel! To intuit!
Many people are threatened by this natural ability, which we are designed to use in our lives, and it makes them very uncomfortable. Hence the term “overactive imagination” to describe a natural process that connects us to everything out there, that now centers us securely in the realm of the new.
Well, how about this for using our overactive imagination? We have just experienced a big disconnect from the old. And it may have felt a little bumpy.
What happens when this takes place is that familiar patterns and habits drop away. They become meaningless or unimportant to us. We lose interest in them, whereas we may have enjoyed these things in the past. We may even feel floaty in our new space. But we feel very much at home there. This is the space we have been waiting to be in.
As of May 5, this disconnect became very real. It became very difficult to interact with the 3D world in terms of taking care of business that originated at that level. I am hearing that all we can do now is release those things to be taken care of as they will in the 3D world. It’s no longer our business. We’ll just do the necessary things, like pay bills and shop for groceries. But we are going to be seeing the ramifications of this disconnect.
You may notice a breakdown in communications. Once we are living the heart-based consciousness, once we have made that a part of who we are, there will be a definite disconnect with those still upholding the old and clinging tightly to the old ways.
For those of us who are shifting, this is when we notice we have taken a different route. This is when we will be saying to other people, this is where I am now, this new space.
On my bike ride, someone I’ve seen walking stopped me. She’s new here and said she’d like to get to know me, maybe we could get together to talk. She is firmly entrenched in 3D and I told her I am doing something new. She was intrigued, she said she could tell it was something amazing, and I explained briefly to her about the new consciousness that is supporting us to move into a new way of being and interacting. She said, “Good luck with that. The earth is a mess.”
From her perspective, it is a mess. From mine, there are miracles taking place on a regular basis. Can I see the mess? Of course. But I choose not to be a part of it. That choice is available to all of us who are embodying the new energy and ascending. We can choose the lit-up, abundant path, the path that surprises us with its beauty and light, the path of love.

When we choose this path, everything becomes lighter. Everything is filled with light. We connect with the truth of who we are and what we are doing, and we laugh at many things that used to feel heavy. We laugh because we are now light-hearted. We laugh and we sing and we enjoy our lives in many ways. We don’t have to go to an event to be entertained, we can be entertained by watching the birds flit in the trees. Four ducks flew right at me on my ride and then lifted just above me. It was so funny. I ducked, of course. That made it even funnier—the word, to duck. I ducked for some ducks. “Guys, that was close,” I said. And they quacked at me, headed for the lake..
It was a beautiful funny moment, and we have these happening now. We’re immersed in the moment where such things happen. We’re enjoying the simplicity and the connection to the natural world. We’re enjoying our new now.
The old world may feel bumpy. You may be called to still take care of a few things there. Do what is needed. But don’t live there. Live in the freedom. Live in the love. Live in the beauty of everything you are creating. This is where our heart has been longing to be. Enjoy the moments when they appear and continue to expand them. We’re making it happen.
Our overactive imaginations are paying off.
Duck….for the ducks!! Ha ha..you make me happy!
Hi Gina! Wish you’d been there for that. They were flying two abreast, so it was definitely something to have them flying straight toward me. Looking forward to see ducklings soon!
Yesterday, I witnessed something nteresting related to the old energy. I invited my step mother over for Mothers Day along with my daughter and her family. We were having a lovely time. At one point my step mom began telling me about her friends and all their woes. How this one and that one had cancer and another had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and all the tragic details.. I felt the energy change. And it didn’t feel good. Then suddenly my daughter appeared on the scene and said “Sorry, I’m going to have to interrupt all this death talk, and she totally changed the subject! What felt like old energy didn’t return. I just observed the whole thing with amazement.
Melinda, thanks for sharing this. Your daughter’s powerful action changed the energy back to a higher frequency where you could all enjoy being together. That’s something I do a lot. I listen and then shift back into a higher frequency, as that heavy energy just doesn’t feel good anymore. We no longer need to spend time there. We have to create and claim the spaces we want to be in.