Juxtapositions are becoming very interesting of late. The way things are fitting together, like puzzle pieces, in ways we can’t explain and yet make perfect sense. This is happening now, all the time. It can be strange and make you ask, what just happened? And it can be surprising because it seems so random and yet perfect.
I had one of these experiences this week that made me stop and say, Oh my gosh, this is totally crazy. And yet they are happening so often they aren’t crazy at all, but part of the whole coming together in a very beautiful way. It is magnificently orchestrated, and we are just beginning to see that. We are not only creating what is happening, we are part of the creation. It is one and the same, and it is alive and interactive.
In the experience I had, I had started watching a video someone recommended, but a few minutes into it, I said, No, this isn’t for me. I closed out of it and said to myself, Nope, I don’t want to hear that. I switched to a long, interesting one I had been making my way thru, and when I pressed play, the person said, Oh you don’t want to hear what I have to say? As if he was responding to what I just said. It startled me. It was wild, yet perfectly showing that everything is connected in an amazing and beautiful way.
And while you may not be seeing this yet, at some point you will.
This is no longer occasional, it is all the time, so that we actually come to know this is the way it is. This is part of the ascension process. We clear and we clear and we clear and we become see-thru, and when you first notice this it may surprise you. We become transparent, we become authentic, we become true. With this comes clarity of vision and thinking. Our understanding expands and we see past agendas. We see into what is being created, we see what is blocking that. We see those who are still trapped or caught in their past programming and unable to achieve clarity yet. They are unable to move past the 3D world into the creative potential that we are seeing, into the creative field of the new time that we are now beginning to bloom in.
We were waiting for many to catch up; we no longer are. We are moving into the new energies so as to create what is needed there. Each is on their own timeline with this, each is making their own choices. This is why we are not waiting, as the process is now individual as we pass thru the portal into the new. Each must choose sovereignty and personal power, and some have not yet reached this level of ability or responsibility. But the tools are there for all, and we must allow this choice.

We are seeing the collapse and implosion of the old now, and I am watching it happen around me in my own area. You may notice some 3D things you are working on simply go away, right in front of your eyes. I just had this happen with something. For an hour, there was no way to connect, and then it came back. But I know the coming-back is only temporary. We are pulling away. This is where we remind ourselves of what we are doing and what we are creating. We keep our focus on all of that and not on what is taking place in the old world. We are going to notice discombobulation and things that don’t make sense. Keep your focus.
Those of us who have been at this for awhile are seeing our ability to create and we are accepting and embracing our power as creators. Yet we see those who continue to hold this power away from themselves, who still sit in the powerless position of “someone else is doing this.”
Also, we each see this in our unique way, because we are translating energy and our experience of energy into words. We are “reading” how this shows up in our lives, and because we are unique, there are varying interpretations. The resonance of our heart and our gut are invaluable, because these help to guide us because these are our truth meters. We will feel the way we need to go.
Before we are clear, we often ask for assistance with direction and understanding. Once we learn to trust our own knowing, we will see that we are guided at all times. Trust is huge, and it’s important not to talk yourself out of the guidance you are given.
We are soaring ever higher into the realm of what is now possible.