This week there’ve been some wonderful little gifts from the universe, very random and nonsensical. When this happens, it’s important to realize that not everything will make sense to us. That’s OK. We’re learning to trust that we are a part of a greater plan, and we don’t have to figure it all out or even understand all of it. We’re creating, but there are forces creating with us, and we’re seeing those forces showing up and meeting our own energy with its beautiful reflection.
And that’s it: We’re starting to see the reflection of all the work we’ve done and the creating we’re doing. And this beautiful reflection is what lets us know how well we’re doing in the grand scheme of things.
To see gifts arrive that we didn’t expect or anticipate is just part of the magnificence that we are entering. There will be more.
But right now, we are also seeing the acting out of the dark energy having its little hissy fits. Because gosh darn, it’s not getting its way and that just makes it even madder. We’re certainly seeing and experiencing some attacks, but they are tiny compared to what they used to be like. These are now like a mosquito buzzing crazily past you, trying to land but not being able to because, well, your frequency is just too high and you have become out of reach.
These gifts we are getting are like sweet little whispers, just for us, letting us know that things are going well, things are going according to plan, even if we can’t see the plan and don’t know all the ins and outs of it. They’re saying, you’re definitely getting there, keep doing what you’re doing, you’re succeeding.
We’re also seeing some of our thoughts created instantly, again, even when this doesn’t make sense in the old world. We might momentarily think, how did that happen, but it doesn’t matter. It happened, that’s what’s important, and the fact that it happened is showing us how far along we are. We’re making great progress. We definitely want to remember that, especially when it feels like things are not happening fast enough.
So we’re getting gifts, and we’re seeing the buzzy-mosquito little attacks. And we keep on doing our work. These beautiful high frequencies are now our home, and they continue lifting us and lifting us and lifting us, higher and higher and higher. And even tho our ears are ringing and we don’t sleep well at night and can sometimes hardly stay awake during the day, there is great beauty and joy in how we are feeling. Because there is no denying the subtle sweetness of the new. The heart connections with people are worth every bit of discomfort we’ve had to endure.
We’re emerging into more newness, and even tho we can see the things that haven’t changed, we can now see the things that are changing. Many of them look fresher or newer, because they are. Just today I read an article in mainstream news that was reflecting the positive changes in a true way. That was enjoyable and unexpected. It’s indicative that the grand infusions of light taking place are having an effect.

Last night, as I was again trying to fall asleep, I suddenly saw and felt the Christ consciousness blooming in me. It lit up my heart center, and the light was emanating out, and the feeling of the new consciousness was sublime. The light was very bright, and then I saw it was shining thru an opening in the center of a cross. The cross was like the chakana, the Inka cross, and it was representing the four directions, the totality, the cosmos from whence we come. We are the opening bringing the light in. We are bringing the light into us, thru us, and into the world. We are bringing the light in, the light from the cosmos, the light of the Christ consciousness, the new crystalline orientation, and sharing this light to create our New Earth.
We are lighting up on the inside and this light is pouring thru us, out into the world. So what we are going thru—all the changes, the clearing, the discomfort—is making way for the light to come in. We’re creating the pathway by opening ourselves to the light. We can feel this mission. As we go about our day, we are bringing in the light. This light informs everything we do. And we are going to feel that we are working in this light, with this light, and for this light. This is who we are now And everything is changing because of this. And the momentum is increasing. We can, literally, feel ourselves lurching forward at times into change and into being a new version of ourselves. And when this happens, it can take a moment to reorient, to soak this in, and stride forward as this new being, ready to do what is needed.
Terry, I love that you saw and felt the Christ Consciousness blooming in you and how it lit up your heart center. This blog entry itself feels like a bright light. My whole body/being is lit up as I read your words and tune in to your experience. I guess that’s what all the clearing is about – making room for more light to come through. As I was on a Zoom call this morning with my women friends, we were all tuning into a beautiful, fine tuned energy that was coming through. It feels palpable at times. Like an undercurrent that’s growing, or should I say “glowing”!!
I love the things you share, Melinda. It’s so good to be connected to others who are also going thru this experience. And it’s so great to get your feedback. So lovely you were feeling that energy with your friends. And yes, the energy is growing and glowing!