Moving into More Newness

We continue to move into our new spaces, as we separate from the old patterns and the 3D matrix. Here’s an example. I received a call from the power company Tuesday evening giving me information about my “power outage.” But I didn’t have one. A bit later, on my bike ride, I encountered a couple I know, who asked if my power was out. They had heard a small explosion an hour earlier and were told the power would be out for several hours. Workers from the power company were near their house making repairs.

As they told me about this, I could feel that I was dimensionally separate from it. It’s true, the power was out, but not in my realm. It was strange to feel this. Even when we know something is happening, it can be quite odd to feel it. Experiencing it makes it very real. I could feel the separation. It is actually happening. We are separating from the problems and issues and limitations of the old world. We are moving into expansion.

OK, just a note: As I wrote that my dad popped in. He zoomed right over next to me and gave a big smile. “Nice work!” he told me. That is a first, and quite incredible to experience as well. During his life he wanted to believe, but he couldn’t find evidence to give him a foundation. Now we have not just the foundation but the forays into the new. We’re hanging out there and experiencing what it’s like to have a beautiful brand new out-of-this-(old)-world experience. Hallelujah.

We are each creating our own experience as we clear out our personal patterns and residual nonsense. We each have to release old world beliefs that keep us tied to the old system. As long as we are agreeing to it and going along with it, we are giving it our energy and support. We each have to look at our own beliefs. We’re each being shown what those are.
It’s a process to withdraw our energy and support. For instance, we stop going to or taking part in unnecessary old-world-energy events: movies, plays, parades, and so on. Even if we are bored we don’t go. We choose to do something that helps to create the new experience.

As we remove our energy we signal to the old world that we are not supporting it. That allows us to move into more of the new. We clear our space and give away things we no longer use. We limit our time with negative people or people who spend their time complaining instead of creating. We stop agreeing to be less than.

We continue to move into more light, we continue to expand.

We continue to move into more light, we continue to expand. We continue to hold the space for the new. One recent night I received a package at 10 pm, along with a stack of mail. The mail in this community is not being delivered every day as there is no one to do the job since the last person retired. It’s one more way things are coming apart. The package came a day early, as I had intended, and the young man who brought it apologized for arriving so late. “No worries,” I said, “I appreciate you bringing it.” So I created the package coming early, even if the hour was late. We’re seeing how much we can create now. Practice as much as you can.

Many people felt exhausted and frazzled mid-week, with ears ringing mightily. A friend who’s not doing this work told me she almost felt delirious and didn’t know what to do. She wondered if I knew what caused it. We are going to see more people challenged by these energies. Continue to hold the calm center and the neutrality as much as possible as we all move thru these very intense energies into the new. Continue to embrace your innate power. Continue to trust your intuition. Continue to anchor the new energy. We’re getting there, slowly but surely.

Thanks, Dad. Nice to know you’re watching over. And many others are too.

3 thoughts on “Moving into More Newness

  1. Thank you for giving such clear everyday examples of how the energies are shifting and effecting you and also those who may not understand or be aware of what’s happening on an energetic level. It’s really kind of wild what’s happening , being aware of two dimensions simultaneously. I can attest to some ringing in my ears, which at one point got pretty loud. And some floaty-Ness. I’ve been working with Qiqong to stay grounded and balanced which helps. I went off on a rant about something last night and then watched as it quickly dissipated, Llooking back thinking, “now that was interesting. ” ❤️

    • This whole process is very interesting. The same couple who had the power outage mentioned being bothered by mosquitos last evening–it’s been a few years since I’ve seen mosquitos. And my cat no longer has an issue with fleas. I was told those two pests would not be around in the New. Very cool that you watched your rant and then saw it dissipate. We are really evolving, every day.

  2. Interesting, I’ve noticed on my walks in the woods I haven’t been bothered by mosquitos this year like in the past.

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