Again this past week we’ve had a couple of days where the energy felt very challenging. This intense energy can create sleep issues as well as feelings of not being able to cope. When you are going thru these challenges, be very kind to yourself. Allow yourself some quiet time, take part in some soothing activities or activities you enjoy. We are going step by step by step, and noticing now the obvious changes as we embody more of all the newness and the consistently elevating, evolutionary energies.
We want to focus on anchoring these energies and creating more of our New Earth around us. I had a couple of days this week where I felt like I didn’t want to talk to anyone. And then I had some days where I wanted to connect. One day, for example, I had coffee with some friends at their house. It was so much fun because I hadn’t seen them in quite awhile. We shared stories, and one of the friends, for the first time ever, shared the way she has changed in her life. She is not someone who usually shares in that way. It shows the movement of the collective into the new space that we are creating, where we are connecting in the heart consciousness.
When I arrived at their house, their cat sat and talked and talked to me. They said recently she has been “talking” more. She was excited about the new energy and what it’s bringing, finally. She emphasized finally. She wished she had someone to talk to about what’s happening, and I can totally relate to her on that.
As we spend more time in the new energy, that becomes our base of operations. We’re interacting with the old world from our new consciousness. We can expect not to be understood all the time. Many people can’t yet relate to the way we’re communicating and what we’re saying. Experiencing the heart consciousness is foreign for them.
We’re getting more communication from our bodies and their sensory field. We listen to what our body is communicating and honor it, because our body is wise. It’s an important aspect of our power, because it is always informing us.
In the old world, we learned to use our mind to figure everything out and make decisions. In the new realm, we are using our heart consciousness and our body consciousness to navigate. Our brain is essential to running our body, but with the heart consciousness, we are feeling our way and following the flow. At times that flow will carry us into things to do or that we need to do. We will have a strong feeling to do something. Our body consciousness is monitoring our environment at all times, keeping us safe. You know the feeling you get that someone is looking at you? That’s the body consciousness. Lately, mine is letting me know who is sick, as there are many in this area. I feel almost an aversion, as if I am being moved away from those people. The first time it happened, I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it happened several times so that I could see what was taking place. My body consciousness was literally moving me to safety. I realize I’ve had this operating for years, but I didn’t understand it. Now, all we have to do is honor it and go with it.
We have worked to be present, but when you are pulled into the present or slip into it, you notice a different orientation. There is no effort to be present, you are in presence. And your whole world expands out from this center. You are the center of creation within creation. I will share this art I created a few years ago.

It is a very different feeling to be pulled into this presence and have it be the place you live and breathe and create from. It will happen spontaneously, and I had it happen this week. I was in that space for a while. So this is another taste of what we are moving into, as we continue to segue out of the old.
Notice what is happening for you. Notice when you want to be quiet, or want to be alone, or want to be with others. We are learning and growing and evolving in every moment. Honor your intuitive power. It is your built-in instruction manual, guiding you at all times. Become a good listener so that you can hear it. Honor the choices made from your heart and soul. These support who you are. We are each unique, and no one will have a total knowing of us and what is good for us, except us. Continue creating from the center of your being, from the power and cosmic wisdom of your heart. Continue growing the New Earth in you and around you.
I can relate to much of what you wrote about! You always create a thought provoking article….thank you for sharing your gift.
Thanks Gina! It’s good to hear. Especially since every week I usually have no idea what will be shared. And then it appears. Thanks for spending some time here.