Our New Feeling Intelligence

I have really enjoyed the way we are learning to feel our way thru things, that we are navigating now using our new heart-based feeling intelligence, which not only informs us but guides us as well.

But I am seeing one temporary drawback. When things happen, the feeling response can be strong, even at times nearly overwhelming. Small things can feel like they are huge, and I’ve now had several of these in the past week or so. So this is new, feeling overwhelmed when something happens. But this is because we are still dealing with the old world and its issues as we anchor all this new light and this new way of being.

Our feeling intelligence is guiding us as we anchor all this new light and this new way of being.

This week, for instance, a spoke broke on my bike and I had to take it to the bike shop. Fortunately they were able to do the repair in about 2 hours, and due to the salt air where I live all the spokes on the tire had to be replaced. But right when it happened, I had a moment of WHAT DO I DO? I know perfectly well what I have to do—load the bike in the car and drive it to the shop—but my feeling response was very strong. What if they couldn’t do the repair right away? I didn’t want the shop to have to keep the bike for a day or two or more. We learned catastrophic thinking in the old world, where we would project into the worst case scenarios. But if we do that now, our emotional body can become overwhelmed. Our feeling intelligence can get derailed.

This is temporary, I am hearing, as we adapt even more to doing things in this new way and as our world continues to shift into the new. Right now we are still dealing with some old scenarios, and it’s easy to get pulled in. I had to catch myself with another situation and shift my thinking, and the moment I did, that situation reached resolution.

If you are experiencing this, here’s something you can do. You can ask for integration to take place, so that you can navigate more easily thru your feeling intelligence. Breathe into it and feel the integration taking place and give yourself a message that you are able to handle situations that arise from the old that need handling. Remind yourself of why you are here. As creators of the New Earth, we’re doing enormous work.

This has been an intense time, for sure, and many are feeling this intensity. But with every situation, remind yourself that you are creating something new. Move into your creator role. I wanted my bike to be repaired quickly, and when I called the shop, they said they could do the repair as soon as I got there. Even tho they were busy, a space opened up.

If you get knocked off center, return to that center as soon as you can. Remind yourself of who you are. Remind yourself that we are learning as we go. We are being given huge support now and we will begin to see that support around us.

We are also having the moments that let us know that we are making progress.
Driving to the store a couple days ago, I was suddenly and spontaneously connected to the animals, the trees, the crystals, the water, the sky and shown that together we are creating the New Earth and birthing this into the Now. Many of us are doing this and creating this. We are growing ever closer to seeing the results of this, and thus the waves of energy and light coming to us have intensified. This is cosmic as well as personal. This is our opportunity to be our whole new selves, operating from our inherent divine power.

Someone I was listening to on a video just commented that as we bring more of our DNA online, we grow taller. This has been happening to me for awhile now: I am physically taller than I was 15 years ago. But lately I am noticing I seem taller than almost everyone I know. You may be noticing feeling taller yourself.

I’ll share a story from a few years ago. I was at a friend’s house for dinner, and I had to lead a meditation at 9. So I told her I would do it from my car and come back when I was done in 10 minutes. When I came back in, she looked at me and said, “What happened? You’re so tall!” I felt it too, and it was so strange. And yet so normal for what’s happening to us with this process. So on we go, embodying and expanding our light and getting a little taller and brighter as we do.

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