Fairies and Unicorns

On Monday I experienced something new. Once again, it happened when I was driving to the store. I suddenly could feel that we are no longer connected to the 3D earth. I’ve mentioned in the past that I used to see the New Earth floating just above the surface of the old earth. I first saw this years ago, one day when I was out for a walk. It was so exciting. Fast forward thru years of dedicated work on the part of many…

And now, we are on that floating earth, it’s our new space, and we are no longer anchored in the old world. It’s a very interesting feeling, to be sure, and I’m not quite sure how to describe it. But we are now separate from the old earth, and we will have to see how this plays out.

We are still interacting with it. As I said, I was going to the store, where I got groceries. And then I did a couple other errands as well. And I continued to feel myself “floating” above the old earth. That’s the best word I can think of. It was a feeling of being separate or disconnected from what was, but yet still able to interact. Along with this I am noticing we are also moving out of the linear framework. So while you are doing things, you may find yourself just momentarily having your mind relax and go out of the linear time space. Linear time feels like it’s sliding around. You zone out for a moment or two and when you come back, you remind yourself of what day it is, what time it is, and whatever is on your schedule. In the old world, time was the basis for everything. In the new world, we’re using heart consciousness and intentional creation.

Also this week, I had an appointment for an oil change and the dealership sent me about 10 reminders in 2 weeks. I haven’t forgotten an appointment ever, but I am noticing all around me people of all ages are having memory issues. We’re all feeling this shift. The cashier at the store, who was in her 20s, told me her brain wasn’t working. The pace of our evolution has accelerated.

A lot of people are feeling tired or sleepy as we move thru this current phase. Naps are great for integration, so is spending time outside in the natural world.

The unseens are beginning to show themselves more. On my bike ride I heard a young gnome who was sitting in a tree with a friend. As I rode by, one poked the other and the one who was poked made the sweetest sound. “Ooooohhhh.” It’s the first time I’ve heard them with my physical ears. Fairies and elves and gnomes are around. They love wild, undisturbed areas, but we can make space for them in our own yards, too.

And then I was in a meeting with four other people, and one of them was making a point. “That will happen when we see fairies and unicorns,” he said. Everyone laughed.

I found myself prompted to say, “I see them.” They all looked at me for several seconds without a word. And then the speaker continued on as if there hadn’t been a vivid injection of truth into what they were discussing. But we did have that lovely moment of silence and perhaps reassessment.

Once inside those woods you couldn’t even see the road.

When I first moved to Oregon, a woman took me to see the Fairy Forest in my neighborhood. It was just off the road, you followed a path thru the tress and once inside those woods you couldn’t even see the road. During that first visit we waited a few moments. It was dusk, and then all of a sudden, there were dozens of tiny lights in the trees. The fairies were showing themselves. It was more than magical. I went there nearly every day to hang out with them until the woods was cut down for new homes. For a long time after that, they weren’t around, but then I began to see small beings again. Watch for them where you are. What are you seeing?

Our New Earth experience is different from our old earth experience. We do see fairies and unicorns and we will be mentioning this. And in that moment of silence you may find yourself shifting out of the heaviness you’ve been caught in. We will see how this goes. But our New Earth is simply where we want to be now. We really can’t imagine how we would want anything else. And we’re creating it everywhere.

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