Last December, I bought an amaryllis bulb. It grew several leaves but didn’t bloom, and I’ve had it in my kitchen for months, just in case. This week, it bloomed. Normally, in the wild, they bloom in the spring. It seems strange that this one is blooming in September. And yet, maybe not.
I looked up the meaning of this flower, and I found that it represents strength and determination, beauty and love. Interestingly, the flower is named for its starlike design. And I was struck by how symbolic its blooming right now is.

Here we are with our starseed essence, using our strength and determination to move into the crystalline heart-based consciousness of the new era of beauty and love. How better to be ushered in than by this beautiful flower? It seems to be heralding our arrival on the New Earth. It’s blooming right along with us.
There have been so many shifting timelines that nobody knows what will happen when. We’re just all doing our best to move ourselves and this planet into the glorious expansion of a new experience.
We continue embodying and holding and working with the new energies. Another thing that I wanted to create has come about. A woman who lives nearby posted that she has an organic farm and vegetables are ready. You can tell her what you want and she picks it and brings it to her house. So I only have to drive a couple of blocks to get just-picked tomatoes and green beans and summer squash and zucchini. A real treat.

And the symbolism of lions is showing up. This is about our leadership. We are leaders in this new time, and our leadership shows in our neutrality, our peacefulness, our ability to hold the space of the new. But we are also fierce and no-nonsense. Nothing stops us now. This is the entry to a magnificent realm and we are holding the door to the heart consciousness open. Some are triggered because they have work to do in the way of clearing old programs. They have yet to learn self-respect and self-love. Some are very drawn to take this path. All are attracted to the light.
Continue to move into the heart center and expand the heart consciousness out. We’re being impacted by huge waves of energy that are rolling in to help us with our creation of the new. Rest, allow yourself plenty of downtime. Continue to clear out what doesn’t serve you. We’re seeing the instability of some others, so this means we have to work with even more dedication to stay in the new space and hold the energy of New Earth. In the past week I’ve run into a few people who seem oblivious of their surroundings, so use extra care and observe what is taking place around you.
Just beautiful. Thank you for this!
I notice that’s something I keep saying lately, “Thank you for this!” as I experience profound Ascension moments.
Your blog is so appreciated! Always brings comfort and inspiration.
Suzanne, thank you! I find myself too in the space of gratitude often. There is such appreciation for so many things. I guess that’s the new consciousness. We’re in this big wave of love and feeling so much and being so grateful for it.