After 2 very intense weeks, there was a break Thursday and you may have noticed beginning to feel better. But the break was temporary and the intense energies picked up again. These may be making you feel very sleepy even tho you slept well, or you may be not sleeping well. You may be having trouble focusing your brain and your eyes. You may be experiencing your appetite is less. You may be noticing your physical body moving into more healing and alignment with the new. For example, a friend in another state and I drew the same card from an oracle deck this morning. I got a message yesterday to draw a card, but hadn’t done it until this morning. That same card fell out of her deck when she drew a card. The card was cosmic mastery, and it was one I hadn’t drawn before. And yet, it is exactly what we are working on now. We’re aligning with our mastery to create our world. We’re giving specific instructions and seeing these manifest as we accept our divine nature.
This particular deck was a gift from a friend a couple of years ago, and I draw a card when guided. The guidance yesterday was clear, and an issue had presented a few days ago that was being cleared. Someone in the 3D world that I see every now and then had been enjoying the happiness and magic of the world I have created and was having many magical things happen to her. And then, suddenly, she chose to go back into the limitation and negativity of the old world.
I hold the new energy for myself and all who choose to experience it. I share it freely and happily, but ultimately it is up to each to do the work. This is a conscious choice.
So this past week I released her to do whatever work she chooses, as I continue to embody and anchor the New Earth in and around me. Experiencing the peace and joy and love and the aliveness of the natural world around me is beautiful. Watching the young, sleek, plump baby swallows do their maiden flights in the sky above my porch was wonderful. For 2 weeks they would come back to the nest and sit there together and then fly again. The natural world is abundant and full of life at this time of the year where I live. We’re seeing the beauty and magic and we’re feeling our own transformation taking place in the midst of all this aliveness.

We are noticing more of a disconnect from the old world as well. And we are feeling the simple joys and feelings of love that arrive as well as we connect into the new.
We continue to move into more and more newness, and as we do, we continue creating the new that is around us. I had several errands and chores to do this week, like recycling and dropping off donated items. There was a floaty feeling about all of it, a certain sense of “unrealness” as those tasks were taken care of.
As we leave 3D, we stop choosing fear. Fear is no longer a choice. Negativity is no longer a choice. We now choose to support and honor ourselves and others. We now choose love, we choose to be in our creative power. The occasional sadness or anger now dissipates on its own. We’re not attaching to it. These are simply remnants still being cleared, but they no longer determine our ability to create or be in our power.
A couple days ago on my bike ride, for about 2 blocks, I was hearing the happy sounds of children’s voices above the trees. There were no children anywhere around. In fact, many of the houses I rode by were empty, as they are only used as second homes. The sounds seemed to be coming from a higher realm. I have psychically seen children playing in the new realm, so it makes sense that we can hear them now too.
Let’s continue moving into mastery. We’re here to create our new world, to accept our power as divine creators, to learn to navigate the higher realms and to anchor New Earth here for our new home. We continue to make progress with this, and I hope you’re seeing the evidence of this around you.