Where We Are Going

We are in the thick of these incoming energies, and we have reached the point where they are now coming fast and steady. There’s solar flare after solar flare after magnetic influx after this wave and that wave, and we are now feeling them big-time. And eventually, instead of being waylaid by them, we begin to embrace them and move with them. Aha, here’s another one, let me meet it and embody it and bring the frequency of my physical body up even higher. We can do it, we really can.

There are times we are floating on air with all this incoming magnificence. And times we are laid low. Hour by hour we are lifted up or nearly chopped off at the knees, and yet we keep going because we can feel the incredible energies of home, the beautiful energies of truth, and the uplifting energies of love. We’re leaving something that was never a match and wading full tilt into the expansiveness of the new consciousness.

This is about us becoming our cosmic selves, those star-dusted selves who did their best in 3D and are now realizing they are beginning to sparkle and shine. It’s all making sense why we didn’t fit in.

As Jim Carrey says in his poem/song, “you gotta be heaven to see heaven.” So “dance ‘til you find that divine boogaloo.”

It’s all around us, everywhere. We are making up the dance as we go, boogalooing right down the middle of the road. We are sparkling and shining and holding the light and being the New Earth to the best of our ability every moment. This is heady stuff, yet it’s all heart.

A vision here, a dream there, some awakening stirred in to all the physical changes and you have this new emergent being stepping forth, still getting the hang of all this newness.

All the bits and pieces are coming together into a masterful whole. A vision here, a dream there, some awakening stirred in to all the physical changes and you have this new emergent being stepping forth, still getting the hang of all this newness.

There are times when it’s hard, and other times when we are soaring. We’re seeing our creations take shape as we dream them into being. We’re as bold as we dare be. We ride our bike and sing made-up songs, we talk to birds in the trees, we even talk to the trees. They’re all our compatriots. We’re all on this cosmic journey together in the greatest unfolding ever.

Who are we? Sovereign beings. What are we doing? Evolving into wholeness. Why are we here? To create a new world, a whole new way of being. And we’re seeing it happen. It’s taking place right in front of us, all around us.

I’m noticing that everyone I am interacting with now when I’m out and about is kind and respectful. They seem like brand new beings who’ve just been unwrapped to do their part. And while we’re still seeing those we know who are caught in the struggle, we know that at any moment they can step into the light. It’s a choice. We decide to look beyond the programming, the fear and the control, to see what’s just past that. And that’s where we find the door to our own divinity, to cosmic wholeness, to our inherent magnificence, to the world we’ve always intuitively known was there, our heaven on earth. And we know beyond a shadow of doubt that that is where we are going.

6 thoughts on “Where We Are Going

  1. And we know beyond a shadow of doubt that that is where we are going.

    THAT is what I have longed to feel all these years (decades) of holding a candle in such a dark place. While it is not fully manifested yet, you nailed it with that statement.

    Thanks !

  2. “We decide to look beyond the programming, the fear and the control, to see what’s just past that. And that’s where we find the door to our own divinity, to cosmic wholeness, to our inherent magnificence, to the world we’ve always intuitively known was there, our heaven on earth. And we know beyond a shadow of doubt that that is where we are going.”

  3. Thank you for this! Rings true, so much, and so helpful.

    Lately, I have been reminded to thank our Living Love, our GodGiver of Life for these beautiful revelations and this resurrection, and as I get back to that LOVE, that is always here, I soar in a whole new way.

    Thank you for articulating the journey so beautifully! So grateful for your writing.

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