Embracing Our Evolutionary Potential

We continue to experience movement and change as we progress on our journey into the new. Of course, the journey is within, and as we clear what is internal, the harmony and peace and synchronicity show up externally and we are able to see this and be in it and enjoy it. That is the reward for the work we are doing every day. And as we become new, we become who we really are.

Feeling who we really are is awesome. It’s something we know we can never turn away from once we have felt it. When the doors are opened to allow us to see our own truth, there is no going back.

We are feeling our emerging newness.

With every passing day we are growing stronger in our experience of our sovereignty and power and authenticity. We are learning to feel at home in our Self. We are realizing the way we never lived within this true Self. We are realizing all the ways we went against ourselves in order to keep the peace or not rock someone’s boat or meet someone’s expectation. We are feeling this emerging newness with its “is this really happening” hues. It’s like learning to fly. There is definitely an air of unbelievability.

In this rarified space, people are seeing who we are and recognizing who we are as well. They are reflecting this back to us, honoring who we have become.

We are like the students who just graduated from Morehouse University who learned that their graduation speaker was paying off all their student debt, about $40 million worth. The president of Morehouse called that a “liberation gift.” For us, we are being cleared of our past with all its limitation. This is our liberation gift. We can move forward with a sense of freedom, a sense of knowing we are not saddled or determined by who we have been before.

We are leaders now, showing the way to all who are awakening. I was just taking to someone about this, and she said she had had a leadership role years ago in her career and she didn’t do it well. In her efforts to lead she had tried to control. But in the years since then, I reminded her, she has cleared her need to control and moved into her heart space. She can now be an example of how to live in a new way. That is our leadership. We have no agenda other than to honor ourselves and to honor the earth as it moves into newness. Our leadership is all about living from our hearts and our truth.

Our relationship with ourself is deepening.

Our relationship with ourself is deepening. By becoming available to ourself, by paying attention to our needs and expressing them, we honor who we are. We become more available to others, but not from a space of needing anything or wanting anything. And not from a space of fear. We are available from the space of Love, and we are very clear with our yeses and nos.

Allow yourself space to give yourself your undivided attention. We’ve never done this before. We’ve never listened to our own truth in a deep way in order to hear what we’re about. I’m hearing this is coming up for many now, a longing to connect with our Self, to really know this Self, to be with this Self completely, to be present with our truth.

This weekend’s full moon in Scorpio brought a chance to connect deeply with our Self, to move past the last remaining fears into this pristine new territory. Even as the old world acts out, trying to make us believe it still wields power, we see that power fading.

In the last few weeks, many are experiencing digestive issues as we clear fear that was deeply held, as we clear the remaining beliefs and patterns that used to limit us from expressing our truth. With this clearing you will find that you are becoming more able to express who you are and more comfortable with that expression. You will find your reaction to old triggers changing. We are embodying more of our Self and feeling more aligned.

People who are still holding tightly to the fearful beliefs that create limitation and keep us from moving into our truth are struggling now, and I’ve noticed it’s hard to get them to laugh or lighten up or be playful. One woman said, “the world’s getting worse and worse” and she’s focused on what she feels is wrong rather than ever looking at what’s getting better.

As we move into our evolutionary potential, things are definitely getting better. As we lighten up and let go, we begin to experience our new worlds, with their expansiveness, their playfulness and lightheartedness, their high-frequency connections, and their synchronicities.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

A few days ago, I was feeling the enormity of a major gateway. We have these times of expansion, and we can feel things and see them before we can put them into words. When this gateway opened, I experienced a feeling of what I can only describe as being in heaven. It was an exalted space that lasted for a few hours. It felt light and expansive and blissful, like nothing I’ve every felt before, but I don’t have words to describe it well. I saw comments from a couple other people online asking if anyone else was noticing this unusual new energy that felt like heaven. So others were noticing the same magical space. Later that day I went to the grocery store, and my member number didn’t register… That’s what happens when we get shifted into new frequencies; we’re no longer in our old spaces and everything changes once again.

Happy week, everyone. Thanks for your comments and emails.

5 thoughts on “Embracing Our Evolutionary Potential

  1. I always feel so uplifted after reading your posts. It is wonderful to be reminded of all the positive shifts that are happening in our world if we only can see with fresh eyes was is truly happening around us. Yesterday, I was just sitting upstairs on the sofa and suddenly became very aware of a beautiful expansive, blissful, wide open, boundary-less energy that seemed to fill the space. Perhaps this is the “heaven” you are referring to. What a magical time in which we are living.
    Thank you for your perspective. It is so appreciated.

    • Thank you so much for your comment. So glad to hear you experienced an expansive space like that. It’s hard to describe, right? This whole week has been super interesting, so many unusual things happening. I hope to write something in the next couple days.

  2. Thank you for this …
    I know the space you are speaking of. It just comes over me as I am meditating. Just now I was quiet and listening to a piece of music and another piece came in that I don’t have on my I Tunes. It was heavenly. I have put it here for you to listen to I found it in youtube. We are so blessed as we deeply receive the Heart more deeply. Enjoy…

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