Our Growing Connection with Animals

This past week there was a whole lot of energy impacting us, especially our heads, third eye, sinuses, jaws, ears and teeth. And many were feeling very emotional—sad, down, or just off. Some of us felt our nervous systems were being jangled. But this morning (Saturday in my part of the world) I woke up to enormous peace and a relief from that intensity. So nice to experience. As one person said, the sun moved into Aquarius, and the energy is different.

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Being in the Energy of New Earth

This past week, my intuition guided me into an experience I want to share. Recently I heard someone say online that we are going to be meeting members of our soul tribe. And I thought, that would be nice, I wonder where? And then I expanded that idea: we are also going to be meeting people who know what we’re talking about.

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Creating the Entire Tapestry

Wow! Talk about ascension symptoms! The last few days it has really intensified. The energies are intense and Friday I was talking with a friend who wanted to know what I was experiencing. In turn, I wanted to know what she was noticing. Turns out, we were both feeling “weird.” Independently, we’d both come up with that word to describe how we were feeling. And then, online, I saw that someone who writes about this process said she was also feeling “weird” in these energies.

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Our Evolution Accelerates

A year ago, at the start of 2022, I had a dream in which I was placing “creativity sigils” everywhere—on fences, trees, any available spot. A sigil is an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power. Mine were shaped like stars. And while I wasn’t sure what the dream meant then, looking back, I feel that I was creating a lot of what happened for me in the past year. I was setting the stage. I think that we are doing so much that we don’t even understand at the time, yet it is work that proves to be important as we move ahead with this process of evolution into our New Earth. We are literally creating all the time in so many ways, each of us, exactly as we are guided, in both our waking and our dreaming time.

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Important Clearing Has Happened

We continue to shift in incremental ways as we build upon the clearing we’ve accomplished and the creating we’ve done. The Solstice brought yet another shift and on the 22nd I received a message that we had successfully cleared the heart wound. The heart wound is something that many have had on this planet due to how our lives have been impacted by negative forces. These forces have worked to turn us away from our innate connection to Source and our inherent creative power, as well as the original energy that we held that formed us and nourished us—love. This energy of love was and is the basis of our multi-dimensional makeup.

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Reaching New Levels of New Earth

This past week New Earth is clearly showing us the first established levels. It’s currently interwoven with the old world, and those who are holding high enough frequencies are then sliding into New Earth experiences during their day. In other words, the New Earth is now available more than I’ve ever seen it, and we can encounter it in many places. We are definitely having a multi-dimensional experience.

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Divine Observer Perspective

We are moving into our divine observer perspective, which gives us a different vantage point and allows us to access the new consciousness. And doing that lets us see differently and choose differently. We see with a broader, clearer lens, bypassing the way we might interpret solely thru our ego. We see from the clarity and purity and wisdom of the crystalline consciousness. And we then act from the crystalline consciousness as well. And we can feel the alignment and freedom that creates.

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Continuing to Experience Convergence

In the last post I wrote about how we are experiencing convergence energies now. Convergence is happening in the higher frequencies as we move into the unified field. These energies are showing us there is no separation, and for the ones working at this level, you will be seeing this. In other words, those working to create the New Earth will see how these energies are coming together and will learn how to use this convergence in their creation work.

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Experiencing Convergence and Alignments

In this new energy we are experiencing convergence and alignments, where things come together in unexpected and magical ways. When it happens, you can feel it, and you know something is happening, even if you don’t know all of what is taking place. This is way beyond synchronicity. The energy converges and everyone is enlivened by it, because they can feel something is happening too. They move into the present moment and become focused and connected. These alignments pull everyone in, especially those not doing this work or aware of what is taking place. These alignments will become more frequent now, and involve more people, because in the new energy we are connected and unified, and we are experiencing working together in the new frequencies.

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Using Intention to Create

In this new energy, we can use our intention to create positive, beneficial outcomes. It’s very important to realize that as we move into our burgeoning roles as creators, we are taking responsibility for creating what happens around us. Remember, given the massive energy we’ve embodied, the clearing we’ve done, and the shifting we’ve gone thru, we’re now beginning to impact what happens in our world.

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