As we spend more time in this supportive, revitalizing energy of the New Earth, enjoying the magic that it brings, we are noticing that we really feel less inclined to interact with the old world and all that it entails. It continues to feel less interesting and more challenging. The frequencies are no longer a match. We’ve become aware of the ways we’ve invested in others and we’re making our withdrawals. It’s become very clear to us that we are moving into the next phase of our process, and we will no longer be carrying anyone else. Each person must now do their own work and create their own path into the new time.
Continue readingSegues into the New Experience
We continue to shift and you’re probably feeling these micro shifts on a regular basis. We notice that something has fallen away or we’ve shifted our view about something, creating more internal space and freedom from the old world. That’s what’s happening now—we are freeing ourselves from the old world as we expand into our newness and the worlds we are creating.
Continue readingAligning with the New Resonance
Many of us remember past lives. I have a memory of coming to the earth 800-1200 years ago to raise the frequency. At that time, we were not successful, and we left when we saw that what we were doing was not working.
Continue readingThe Heart Consciousness
Our evolution continues at a good clip and we’re seeing new aspects reveal themselves. Each shift brings us into new awareness so observe what’s happening in your world.
Continue readingIt’s All About Expansion
Thanks to the powerful influx of energies lately, we are expanding. Wherever we held ourselves back is being expanded. We will notice these places, possibly because they make us feel off-center and perhaps upset, and as we put our attention there, we will feel softening and expansion as we invite the energy of the new heart consciousness in. Just trust. This is all about vulnerability. We’re ready for this next phase as we move even further into the unified field.
Continue readingBetween Worlds
We are in such an interesting space right now. We are hanging out in the burgeoning new frequencies of our New Earth and yet also interacting with and seeing the old earth. We’re experiencing very strong energies coming in daily now, often making us feel very tired and not very interactive. And we’re more than ready to be on with everything new. I can’t tell you how many 3D people have said to me, in recent days and weeks, that everything is very strange now. Yes, it is strange, because we are literally between worlds.
Continue readingForward Progress
In my last post I mentioned we’d see what the Equinox brought, and it definitely delivered. We experienced a substantial shift on 3/22, and importantly, this was a PHYSICAL shift. It was palpable in our solar power center (the 3rd chakra), and physical blocks to abundant health and forward progress were removed. This is exciting news for all of us who have worked on our physical health—to restore vitality and energy—thru emotional clearing of old patterns and residue, and cleaning and upgrading our diet to remove as much of the unnecessary additives as possible. We may have wondered why this wasn’t working as well as we hoped, but there were energetic physical impediments within our systems and these have now been cleared.
Continue readingWe’re Going to Need Croissants
The incoming energies have been very strong lately. And we are growing more and more accustomed to them. In fact, we’re noticing that when we’re around heavier energies, we feel weighed down. So if we find ourselves wanting a break from the intensity, we can remind ourselves that we no longer enjoy the denser energies that are still out there.
Continue readingJoining Forces in the Heart Consciousness
In my early 20s I had an intense vision, where I was shown an event occurring later that day. It was upsetting, so I pushed it out of my mind and went ahead with my plans. Several hours later, I found myself in that exact vision as it unfolded around me, down to the smallest detail. And there was seemingly nothing I could do. I felt completely powerless. I was an unwilling participant in what felt like a movie and the details seemed set in stone.
Continue readingBeginning to See Those Around Us Awaken
We have been in these intense energies for some time now, and Thursday night was very intense. We’ve known for some time that at some point 3D people would be impacted by what’s taking place, because the old world is going away. Many of us have been going thru this process for years, clearing the old and embodying this host of new light in order to create our whole new experience. We’ve been releasing the old world in order to be in the new energy and have new experiences as we begin to live in the New Earth. We’ve adapted to the intensity and we recognize what’s taking place.
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