Our Orientation and Awareness Are Changing

This week, I am noticing something new. The growing space between those of us who have moved into the New Earth energies and those who haven’t is making it seem like those people are not completely there. And they aren’t, because they are not present. We still see them, but it’s like we have to focus and concentrate. I find it easier not to look directly at them for very long. Those who have not cleared their issues and programming are still anchored in that history. They are anchored in the past. Once we clear those things, we move into all of what is available in the now. We become aligned with this beautiful space, which is full of potential and magic and this is where we create. We cannot create anything new from the past. We must be in the new unhindered space. And once we are in this new space, we won’t be able to focus on the old energies, not with our eyes or our attention. We’ve lost resonance with all of that.

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Sent on a Mission

In the grand scheme of things, what’s taking place now is just a blip. But for most of us, it seems like an endless process, because we’ve been at this for our whole lives. Quite literally, we’ve been working to shift the energy since we were young. As we grow in awareness we can see that. We were creating from the get-go.

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Fairies and Unicorns

On Monday I experienced something new. Once again, it happened when I was driving to the store. I suddenly could feel that we are no longer connected to the 3D earth. I’ve mentioned in the past that I used to see the New Earth floating just above the surface of the old earth. I first saw this years ago, one day when I was out for a walk. It was so exciting. Fast forward thru years of dedicated work on the part of many…

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Our New Feeling Intelligence

I have really enjoyed the way we are learning to feel our way thru things, that we are navigating now using our new heart-based feeling intelligence, which not only informs us but guides us as well.

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Shining Our Light

I was just in the supermarket, pushing my cart and getting a couple groceries. Walking down the wide aisle, all at once I felt myself become LIGHT. My whole being turned into light. I thought, Oh my, not in the store. But things happen when they are supposed to, right? I spontaneously turned into light and spontaneously began beaming out love. I couldn’t stop it, it was just happening as I weaved past a couple people in the aisle, hoping I still looked normal. I should have snapped a quick selfie, but it didn’t occur to me, because my whole being was pretty busy obviously doing its completely unexpected light and love broadcast.

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Claiming Our Authority

This past week, we’ve been experiencing our movement out of the old world. We have been seeing the new pulling away from the old. And interactions this past week with the old world have been challenging. That coupled with the fatigue and sleepiness has made it a not very productive week for some of us. We are embodying big-time all of this New Earth creational energy because…

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Giving Back the Key

I had a telling dream this week. I was asked to give a key back to a couple I knew years ago. Now in my actual life I never had their key and I was puzzled about that in the dream. But I gave it back, this single silver house key, and the moment I did, two young children appeared and we began to play. The level of joy and happiness was incredible, and I woke up feeling wonderful. I wondered whose children they were.

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Energy Update, July 24, 2022

Again this past week we’ve had a couple of days where the energy felt very challenging. This intense energy can create sleep issues as well as feelings of not being able to cope. When you are going thru these challenges, be very kind to yourself. Allow yourself some quiet time, take part in some soothing activities or activities you enjoy. We are going step by step by step, and noticing now the obvious changes as we embody more of all the newness and the consistently elevating, evolutionary energies.

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Moving into More Newness

We continue to move into our new spaces, as we separate from the old patterns and the 3D matrix. Here’s an example. I received a call from the power company Tuesday evening giving me information about my “power outage.” But I didn’t have one. A bit later, on my bike ride, I encountered a couple I know, who asked if my power was out. They had heard a small explosion an hour earlier and were told the power would be out for several hours. Workers from the power company were near their house making repairs.

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New Earth’s Natural Healing Frequencies

A week ago I woke up from a powerful dream where I was with my mother and two of my aunts in Dallas, Texas, where I’ve never been. One aunt, who is the only one left on the earth plane, was on her way to a healing center to be treated for cancer (which she doesn’t have in real life). They wanted me to find a hotel so I walked around Dallas for a while. The energy was glaring and jarring and full of disharmony. There were no hotels, which was odd. So I kept walking.

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