Our Rainbow Worlds (Take the Plane)

The universe is talking to us all the time. Are we listening?

The more we pay attention, the more we hear, see, feel and know. We see the suggestions, the clues, the results. Once we tune in and align with our truth and our sovereignty, we align with the new. And when we align with the new, we step into our power to be a creator: to be one who brings the New Earth into being. The New Earth is here, you access it from your own frequency. And once you access the New Earth, the new consciousness and the rainbow frequencies, you enter the space beyond limitation, beyond fear, beyond lack. We came here to create freedom, to be freedom, and to operate multidimensionally.

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Outgrowing the Old World

All the creating we have been doing is coming to fruition. We have been shifting into completely new territory, reviewing some old memories and once again clearing what no longer resonates. This is in preparation to up-level into a new way of being. It’s like the feeling of preparing for a trip, where you are packing and readying things. We’ve outgrown our old space. Continue reading