Our Rainbow Worlds (Take the Plane)

The universe is talking to us all the time. Are we listening?

The more we pay attention, the more we hear, see, feel and know. We see the suggestions, the clues, the results. Once we tune in and align with our truth and our sovereignty, we align with the new. And when we align with the new, we step into our power to be a creator: to be one who brings the New Earth into being. The New Earth is here, you access it from your own frequency. And once you access the New Earth, the new consciousness and the rainbow frequencies, you enter the space beyond limitation, beyond fear, beyond lack. We came here to create freedom, to be freedom, and to operate multidimensionally.

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The Equinox Gateway

The fall Equinox was a powerful gateway. At 1 in the morning I was awakened by pulses of electro-magnetic energy moving thru me. It felt like lightning and I had about 30 different muscles twitching from my toes to my head, all at once. We never know how this energy will be felt and it’s often different with new sensations or experiences as well as some of the familiar ones. There has still been lots of clearing energy over the weekend as we are being asked to release all of the old that we still hold. This clearing can come in many forms as our physical body works to adapt and align with the new, which at this point is all around us. At this time we are seeing the massive breakdown of the old as we envision and dream the new. Now that we are New World Creators, we are doing this thru our own willingness to let go of all the unworkable stuff of the old world. We stop giving it our time and our energy and we envision what we do want. Continue reading