Recent Changes

The changes we have been going thru recently, in the last couple of weeks specifically, have been profound. They literally leave us different. I went thru these kinds of changes 20 years ago, in the beginning of my process. But these recent ones are even deeper and more life-altering, as they are taking us into this new realm. As we evolve, we can feel the evolution taking place. We are being made new.

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Being the Catalyst

We came here to do something SPECIFIC, something GRAND, something HUGE. This was beyond our understanding years ago, but now we are seeing it. We are here to embody an entirely NEW way of BEING. We are embodying it, anchoring it and sharing it with all. And our presence around others helps them to come into the new, by the very power of our frequency. Our frequency is a catalyst, the catalyst, the reminder to those we come into contact with that they are also here for something grand, not thru our words, but thru the frequency we are holding and emitting. We have literally battled our way thru the trenches to get here, facing challenges, facing our own doubt and the doubt of others, being misunderstood and even isolated because of our mission. All that is changing now, finally, as we become the catalyst.

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